Whilst the region lacks the cultural-historical significance of the Levant for the Islamic State movement, the return of thousands of battle-hardened fighters from the Islamic State, and the aftermath of attempts at establishing regional wilayats will likely continue to place strain on local counter-extremism efforts. This fantastic “ten commandments of political risk analysis” examines a history of geopolitical predictions that have been wildly off the mark. This book discusses Central Asia not as a realm separate from the globalisation and progress of the 21st century, but as one where globalisation has planted its flag most strongly, and is beginning to antagonise the latent forces of radical Islam. Looking for the best Geopolitics books? Written by a former Delta Force commander, this piece is part memoir, part self-help book. We live in an artificial world on borrowed… Author(s): Peter Zeihan, Henry Kissinger offers in World Order a deep meditation on the roots of international harmony and global disorder. Edwin Tran – Levant Socio-Economics Analyst. The following are worth reading for an understanding of a potentially significant flashpoint for the coming year: of the would-be Islamic State Caliphate, including the targeted killing of its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi at the hands of US Special Forces in Syria. In this annual piece – which supplements our regular geopolitical book reviews – we put forward our (rather expansive at 210 books!) The following are recommended for understanding the key players in the White House: In addition to the turbulent administration, increasingly stressed internal divisions have gripped America in 2019, and will almost certainly continue to deepen in the coming year. In Savage Ecology he offers an ecological theory of geopolitics that argues that contemporary global crises are better understood when considered within the larger history of international politics. But sometimes it might be a need to dig deeper beyond the shiny book cover. Al Qaeda affiliates in the Sahel already benefit from taxing the West African drug smuggling corridor, however gaining control of any territory closer to the Gulf of Guinea is highly unlikely. Them: The Failure of Globalism. We think of this system as normal-it is not. Despite this, the continent remains central to global geopolitics, and has proven largely stable in a way that makes it attractive to international investment in a turbulent world. The Mission, The Men, and Me (Pete Blaber). They foster inter-group hatred perhaps in ways that nothing else can; they change the course of wars. A relatively quick read for books in this genre, this book is a collection of 14 essays. Geopolitics: The Geography of International Relations (2014), 4. The Book Concierge is back with 380+ great reads, hand-picked by NPR staff and trusted critics. The territorial claims pushed in the South China Sea by Beijing have continued to agitate regional and international naval operations, and much of the past year has been dedicated to discussing a possible conflict in the theatre. Encyclopedia Geopolitica is a collaborative effort to bring you thoughtful insights on world affairs. Whether ancient, crumbling parchments or generated by Google, maps tell us things we want to know, not only about our current location or where we are going but about the world in general. Approaching state strategy and policy from the spatial angle, Jeremy Black argues that just as the perception of power is central to issues of power, so place, and its constraints and relationships, is partly a matter of perception, not merely map coordinates. India’s Spatial Imaginations of South Asia: Power, Commerce and Community (Shibashis Chatterjee). Central Asia remains a mysterious region to many Western observers, where clan loyalties matter more than national ones, and where despots and technocrats have made entire nations into their fiefdoms. However, with no end-state post-invasion it quickly becomes apparent that Iraq is in for a harsh future. Meanwhile, Bangladesh’s economy has become a bright spot, and all signs point to it continuing to do so. Presented with a red border are the Geopolitics books that have been lovingly read and reviewed by the experts at Lovereading. Rather than serve as the 5th estate, mass media has become the mouthpiece of corporations and governments, in a positioning that appears to be directly opposed to its intended existence as a check-on-power. Saul Cohen considers these forces in the context of their human and physical settings, and explores their geographical influence on foreign policy and international relations…. Hulsman explores the concept that, rather than a naturally dangerous political world threatening our stability and safety, it is in fact a strange type of political self-harm that carries the greatest threat. Are there any other relevant resources you could recommend? Blaber does an excellent job of sharing his personal experiences in ‘the Unit’ without disclosing operational details and blends it with one of his guiding principles he refers to multiple times in his book. To understand where Iraq is going you must understand where it has come from. The Middle East and North Africa region has dominated headlines in 2019, as one of the most geopolitically tense theatres, and this is unlikely to change in the coming year. Understanding the ambitious OBOR project and its impact on the countries along its route will be key in 2020: As something of a counter to China’s economic and hard-power expansion, the Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP) strategy was launched as a joint effort in 2017, however, despite a number of progress reports, the concept remains somewhat nebulous and has been criticised as being a thin veil for a China-containment strategy. Showing the interplay of commerce and war-fighting at sea through history, he weaves that into prescriptive goals for seagoing nations in the near future. And yet, when it comes to geo-politics, much of what we are told is generated by analysts and other… Author(s): Tim Marshall, Written by one of the world's leading political geographers, this fully revised and updated textbook examines the dramatic changes wrought by ideological, economic, socio-cultural and demographic changes unleashed since the end of the Cold War. Iain Overton’s new book argues they have shaped the modern world to a surprisingly significant degree. We publish a range of original content including books, articles, blogs, student essays, book reviews and interviews with leading scholars. Allah’s Torch: A Report from Behind the Scenes in Asia’s War on Terror, Jihad in Paradise: Islam and Politics in Southeast Asia, Terrorist Rehabilitation and Community Engagement in Malaysia and Southeast Asia, Militant Islam in Southeast Asia: Crucible of Terror, The Accidental Guerrilla: Fighting Small Wars in the Midst of a Big One, Islam in Southeast Asia: Political, Social and Strategic Challenges for the 21st Century, India And Bay of Bengal Community: The Bimstec Experiment, The China-Pakistan Axis: Asia’s New Geopolitics, War at the Top of the World: The Struggle for Afghanistan, Kashmir and Tibet, Kashmir in Conflict: India, Pakistan and the Unending War, Pakistan at Seventy: A handbook on developments in economics, politics and society, Military, Inc.: Inside Pakistan’s Military Economy, Sri Lanka: The Struggle for Peace in the Aftermath of War, Bangladesh’s Road to Long-term Economic Prosperity: Risks and Challenges, Bangladesh: Politics, Economy and Civil Society, The Maldives: Islamic Republic, Tropical Autocracy, The Pakistan Paradox: Instability and Resilience, Women and the War on Boko Haram: Wives, Weapons, Witnesses, Searching for Boko Haram: A History of Violence in Central Africa, The Management of Savagery: How America’s National Security State Fueled the Rise of Al Qaeda, ISIS, and Donald Trump, Confronting Leviathan: Mozambique Since Independence, Anarchy in the South of Congo: Post-Civil War Rebellion, The Democratic Republic of Congo: Between Hope and Despair, Health in a Fragile State: Science, Sorcery, and Spirit in the Lower Congo, Geography of Trafficking: From Drug Smuggling to Modern-Day Slavery, Security at the Borders: Transnational Practices and Technologies in West Africa, American Grand Strategy in the Age of Trump, Devil’s Bargain: Steve Bannon, Donald Trump, and the Storming of the Presidency, Surrender is Not an Option: Defending America at the United Nations, Divided America: The Fracturing of a Nation, Tales of Two Americas: Stories of Inequality in a Divided Nation, Polarized: Making Sense of a Divided America, Everyday Revolutions: Horizontalism and Autonomy in Argentina, The Maduro Diet: How three-quarters of adults in Venezuela lost an average of 43 pounds in two years, Nemesis: One Man and the Battle for Rio’s Biggest Slum. Encyclopedia Geopolitica readers have access to a 30-day free trial for Kindle Unlimited, allowing them to sample over 1 million ebooks and thousands of audiobooks. Through the essays, the book looks at the age-old debate of realpolitik vs principle-based foreign policy as its main theme. Understanding how Russia sees the world is paramount for Western leaders whether they seek rapprochement with their long-time foe or a better perspective on a “down but not out” rival. Election Year and impeachment politics will have a significant effect on the apolitical services, and may drive some unpredictable military operations. His book is the best treatment of the dilemmas you face if you actually try to put your ideals into practice in the world. Major world events will continue to develop, protest-barricades will be erected, lines will be redrawn across maps, and the geopolitical status quo will find itself increasingly challenged. Author(s): . For its part, the United States’ regional engagement has appeared lacklustre at times, especially at the senior levels. This book provides excellent insight into how, in today's globalized world, there are no "safe" bets. These examples are powder kegs which could not only escalate at any moment, plunging the immediate area further into conflict, but could set off chain reactions that embroil the world in war. 2020 has the potential to be a turbulent domestic year in Russia. While his intent may be to use his life story as anecdotes behind his simple rules to life, it is the stories that are more compelling. Prisoners of Geography: Ten Maps That Explain Everything About the World (1) (Politics of Place) (2016) In this New York Times bestseller, an award-winning journalist uses ten maps of crucial regions to explain the geo-political strategies of […] Hence, if one wants to gain insights into Africa and Latin America, then this book will not be suitable. Radical Right-Wing Populist Parties in Western Europe: Into the Mainstream? Our contributors include Military officers, Geopolitical Intelligence analysts, Corporate Security professionals, Government officials, Academics and Journalists from around the globe. With all the world’s oceans safe for the first time in history, markets and resources were made available for everyone. An understanding of the inner workings of the Gulf States, as well as their own foreign policy dynamics will be extremely useful in 2019: Most interesting of the region’s recent developments has been the slow but steady sense of rapprochement between Israel and several of the Gulf states. The European Union is also continuing to push legislation on military cooperation forward in response to the combined threat of a resurgent Russia and an inwardly-focused and more volatile US administration. With the world becoming ever closer connected in ever more complex and complicated ways, conflicts are more fluid, making them both greater drivers of change and more sensitive to change in seemingly unconnected spheres.