... 2020-12-09 Published Date . Brauner Rauch stieg auf - habemus Führungsduo! The data is being acquired now … Here, both nationalist and populist sensitivities mix as concerns are voiced over both the strength of the German economy at large, but also about effects of COVID-19 legislation on ‘the little guy’. Die AfD Nordhessen lud am 08.02.2020 zum traditionellen Neujahrsempfang nach Lohfelden ein. If you have any queries about republishing please contact us. the path to august your life in righteousness. Mayflower Ave - 9/11/20 . Afd - Nachrichten und Information: An 365 Tagen im Jahr, rund um die Uhr aktualisiert, die wichtigsten News auf tagesschau.de His criticism furthermore included those who label the government’s reform to the infection protection law (Infektionsschutzgesetz) as “Corona dictatorship” (Corona-Diktatur) and compare it to the Enabling Act of 1933 (Ermächtigungsgesetz). Rejecting the idea of “Corona bonds” as a further burden on German taxpayers already in April 2020, the AfD perceived the European Union recovery fund as a political project against “key principles of law and economics” which introduces “EU debt socialism” (EU-Schuldensozialismus), undermines Germany’s national sovereignty and “expropriates hard-working and thrifty [German] citizens”. Indeed, on the day of the parliamentary vote, two far-right bloggers, who had been invited to the German parliament by AfD members of parliament, harassed parliamentarians of other parties on the corridors of the Bundestag. The 645 AF was a medium format SLR camera that was Mamiya’s first auto-focus camera. In other words: the German government is not competent enough to even protect its own people. In fact, in an interview with Germany’s main TV station on 26 November 2020, AfD co-leader in the German parliament (Bundestag) Alice Weidel supported the aforementioned Querdenken in its opposition to the German government’s reform to the Infektionsschutzgesetz on 18 November 2020, which anti-lockdown protesters view as a return of the Ermächtigungsgesetz. At the end of November 2020, the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) held a federal party convention which brought together about 500 delegates, in person, during lockdown measures. On Saturday, 14.11.2020 from 11:00 to 14:00, the AfD will draw attention to the situation in the catering industry and trade during the Lockown with an action ′′ EMPTY CHAIRS ′′ on the Göppingen marketplace. Similarly, for Jörg Meuthen, the COVID-19 crisis signalled “the hour of the nation states” . Such concerns over national sovereignty were raised by, for example, the AfD’s honorary chairman Alexander Gauland who argued that both migration and COVID-19 illustrate that current problems are most effectively solved within the framework of the nation state. Germany’s far-right AfD wins symbolic court case against minister. My wife Faith and I would like to welcome you to the new dawn of DECADE 2020S – THE DECADE OF SIGNIFICANCE “The Decade Of Being Significant By The Living WORD”.We also say welcome to new and existing recipients of our monthly Teaching newsletter, the Achievers’ FAITH … Offizieller Kanal der AfD-Fraktion im Deutschen Bundestag - jetzt abonnieren und kein Video mehr verpassen! A regional branch of Germany‘s far-right AfD party on Wednesday said it had made “a mistake” handing out a children’s colouring book at a ... — Ali Özkök (@Ozkok_A) February 18, 2020. This type of communication illustrates how crucial these story elements are to the AfD and how the party expects to benefit from them electorally. Huntington Drive - 5/22 . Order from Chaos The Thuringia debacle resets the Merkel succession — and proves the AfD is a force to be reckoned with Sam Denney and Constanze Stelzenmüller Friday, February 28, 2020 After all, while being the most critical of all parliamentary parties in Germany about COVID-19 response, its stance has not prevented the AfD from sliding in the polls. Auf dem AfD-Parteitag wurde eine neue Führung gewählt. 7 Tage Deutschland 12/21 – die neueste Ausgabe des AfD-Wochenendpodcasts. Promotion Video Performance . Third, are concerns over the economy, which we expected would feature more prominently. First, the most dominant argument concerns the alleged threat to national sovereignty posed by responses to COVID-19. Indeed, the narrative that is presented by the AfD of these two crises foregrounds the threats posed to ‘our’ national sovereignty, economy and ‘the little guy’ by ‘the elite’. Sycamore Pl. Please check individual images for licensing details. ... AfD politician Kai Laubach posted an open letter on Facebook in which he alleged that Kalbitz … Bürgschaftswahl Hamburg 2020 ... Mit dem Laden des Videos akzeptieren Sie die Datenschutzerklärung von YouTube. Am häufigsten betroffen waren laut der Polizeistatistik AfD-Mitglieder. First published on Tue 18 Aug 2020 09.13 EDT. Laut der AfD-Anfrage (7/5444) gab es im letzten Jahr in Sachsen insgesamt 30 Brandanschläge von linken Gewalttätern und drei von rechten. Mehr erfahren. This article is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International licence. Thus, the COVID-19 crisis offers a window of opportunity to return to the classic idea of a Europe of sovereign member states instead of forging a EUropean “superstate”. AMH Tribute - … GREETINGS: Shalom & Redemptive-Kingdom Greetings! A survey has seen the AfD in eastern Germany — the party's longtime stronghold — drop from first to third position in just a year. Most Viewed Video from AfD TV YouTube Channel . Material published between March and September 2020 by the AfD, in the party’s magazine, press releases and YouTube videos led us to three conclusions. Maybe unsurprisingly, the convention criticized “panic-like corona measures taken by the federal government”. 30. Fifth Ave - 7/16/20 . AFD YEAR 2020 EDITION. Darunter sind etwa Beleidigungen, Körperverletzungen oder Androhungen von Straftaten. Average Time Spent per Day with YouTube Among US YouTube Viewers, 2018-2022 (minutes and % change) Coronavirus Impact: Share of US Time Spent with Over-the-Top (OTT) Video, by Service, week of Feb 3, 2020 & week of May 11, 2020 (% of total) November 2019 | Mit dem Laden des Videos akzeptieren Sie die Datenschutzerklärung von YouTube. - 11/26/20 . And this kingdom business has been made all possible by the abundant supply of God’s enabling grace that was bestowed and given to me to carry on in this kingdom mandate and assignment. During the convention, one of AfD’s two Federal Spokesmen, Jörg Meuthen, caused internal uproar as he, once again, joined the party’s internal conflict between ‘moderates’ and radicals, by attacking those who showed uncritical sympathy for the Querdenken (lateral thinking) anti-lockdown ‘movement’ (which often features conspiracy theories or extreme-right actors). Über 400 Besucher machten sich bei kühlen Getränken und leckeren Speisen auf den Weg, um die Hauptredner Prof. Dr. Jörg Meuthen und Herrn Matthias Mattussek zu sehen. 3 Jul 2020 Dr. Alice Weidel – Aktuelle Stunde – Gewaltexzesse in Stuttgart N ach der Stuttgarter Krawallnacht – mit bürgerkriegsähnlichen Szenen – können wir nicht einfach weiter so tun, als gäbe es kein grundsätzliches Problem. Interior minister breached neutrality rule by publishing his ‘biased’ remarks on ministry’s website, court says. All rights reserved, Join the conversation: get our weekly email, We encourage anyone to comment, please consult, panic-like corona measures taken by the federal government, an interview with Germany’s main TV station on 26 November 2020, migration and COVID-19 illustrate that current problems are most effectively solved within the framework of the nation state, “sick” Europe and its “omnipotence fantasies, it is grotesque that German interests are apparently better represented by European partner states than by the German government, recent research by Jakub Wondreys and Cas Mudde, From street to state: How radical nationalists gained power in Poland, How the German far Right appropriates ideals of non-violent resistance, All Hail Q! The party’s ideology is reproduced through their use of the COVID-19 crisis, confirming recent research by Jakub Wondreys and Cas Mudde on articulations of the crisis by far-right parties in Europe. Last September, a court ruled that the AfD’s state leader, Björn Höcke, could legally be termed a fascist, saying such a designation “rests on verifiable fact”. A video featuring a group of doctors making false and dubious claims related to the coronavirus was removed by Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube after going viral online Monday. Video laden. Christian Lueth, of the far-right German party, recorded making comments in undercover documentary, report says. Bundesvorstandswahl 2019. In 30 Days In 90 Days. Your email address will not be published. November im Wunderland Kalkar während der COVID-19-Pandemie statt. View More . Live Stream. By the grace of Father God in Christ Jesus, my wife Faith and I would like to welcome you again to the dawn of the eight Month – AUGUST in the LORD’S year 2020 as He crown your life with the Year2020 themed – EXALTATION – “A Year To “Thrive And Live With Purpose And Fulfilment In God’s Righteousness In Christ Jesus”. Material published between March and September 2020 by the AfD, in the party’s magazine, press releases and YouTube videos led us to three conclusions. 213.32K 13.88K 5.67K 3.63K. YouTube immer entsperren. AfD Fraktion Alternative für Deutschland Politik Bundestag Rede . Pointing to Austria and north-European countries’ veto against the implementation of “Corona bonds” in the EU, she shares her hope for these countries to stop Merkel’s pro-EU “raid on German national wealth”. Whether the aforementioned party convention heralds such success, became another super-spreader event, or marks a further occasion at which the ongoing party’s internal fighting between ‘moderates’ and radicals flares up, remains to be seen. Obwohl wegen der Corona-Pandemie weniger Veranstaltungen stattfanden, gab es 2020 mehr Angriffe auf Parteimitglieder, als im Jahr zuvor. This is also visible when Weidel states that “it is grotesque that German interests are apparently better represented by European partner states than by the German government”. This is, of course, not surprising given that the AfD is a nationalist party heavily invested in its national territory and sovereignty. The German party though internally divided about the measures, is united on anti-EU ideology to gain electoral support. Aktuell wurden in Leipzig erneut mehrere Fahrzeuge eines Wohnungsunternehmens von mutmaßlichen Linksextremisten abgebrannt. Aufruhr im Bundestag, als Alice Weidel mit Merkels Politik abrechnet! Neujahrsempfang 2020 - AfD Norhessen Eröffnungsrede von Florian Kohlweg . All Rights Reserved. 25. Whether this attempt to steer the AfD away from the most obscure anti-lockdown manifestations remains to be seen – and similarly, the jury is out to assess whether the party’s COVID-19 performance will ultimately appeal to the electorate. Der Parteitag der AfD im November 2020 fand am 28.–29. Second, unsurprisingly, the populism of the AfD leads the party to disparage an allegedly incompetent establishment, both nationally and at the EU-level. 581.14K 53.81K 2.44K 8.78K. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the AfD has moved from tolerating the COVID-19 measures (and even criticising the belated response) to a rejection often in line with non-parliamentary protests. Like other European far-right parties, the AfD initially recognized the dangers posed by the virus, but subsequently circulated misinformation about elites whom they accused of undermining national sovereignty and bringing about “EU debt socialism”. 2020-12-09 Published Date . ... AfD im Deutschen Bundestag. Neben dem Beschluss über ein Rentenkonzept wurde auch über einen Missbilligungsantrag gegen Parteichef Jörg Meuthen abgestimmt, der wegen seiner Eröffnungsrede, in der er den aktuellen Kurs der AfD kritisierte, scharf in der Kritik stand. Baldwin Ave - 5/8 . Das war die Sensation. AfD . German far-right figure ‘caught’ saying migrants could be gassed. The populism of the AfD leads the party to disparage an allegedly incompetent establishment, both nationally and at the EU-level. Is this a sign of things to come for the far-right? The forging of a right-wing religion and its extreme threat to security, Génération Identitaire ban could rally supporters of the radical right in France, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International licence. The Mamiya AFD and its subsequent iterations has its roots from the 645 AF. Most Viewed Video from AfD-Fraktion Bundestag YouTube Channel . This is in line with how far-right groups have used other crises, such as the climate crisis for example. AFD; AFD 2020; Galleries. That is, ‘the elite’ is once again not working for ‘the people’, but responsible for a “sick” Europe and its “omnipotence fantasies” as AfD MEP Gunnar Beck notes. AfD members following a meeting of the AfD Lower Saxony for list compilation for the 2021 federal election, 5 December 2020, Moritz Frankenberg/DPA/PA Images. Latest Videos from AfD TV YouTube Channel. ... we are entering into the 15th year of the AFD Monthly TEACHING publication. GREETINGS: Shalom and Kingdom greetings in the significant name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Amen. - AfD-Fraktion im Bundestag . Bobcat Fire - 9/13/20 . Based on an ongoing research project on the AfD’s climate change and COVID-19 communication, we have seen how the AfD has used COVID-19 to legitimize its own agenda and, in turn, delegitimize others. Recent events indicate that, in the course of the COVID-19 crisis, the AfD, having initially taken a less confrontative stance towards COVID-19 measures, returned to its populist, far-right meta-narrative which promises to bring about ethno-national rebirth for ‘true’ Germans while opposing the allegedly anti-democratic fantasies of ‘the elite’.