“They reflect that Iran’s economy began to shrug off maximum pressure while Trump was still aimlessly pursuing that policy.”. Foundation for the Defense of Democracies CEO Mark Dubowitz is best known for his leadership in promoting “economic warfare” against Iran as a means to foment regime change in Tehran or outright war with the Islamic Republic.. Part of that campaign requires spreading a lot of mis- or disinformation, and Dubowitz himself has been a fervent participant in those efforts. Iran’s economy suffered a great shock during the first half of 2020, recording a $279 million negative trade balance. Since the revolution in 1979, suggestions have repeatedly been made that a new revolution is in the works. The committee heard testimony on the Trump administration's policies on Iran, Iraq and the use of force. But no such transformation will ever take place, because the Iranian regime remains a revolutionary movement that will never accommodate the United States. On Sunday, October 14, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said that current US administration is in psychological and economic war with Iran and its ultimate goal is to delegitimize the system and to change the regime of Islamic Republic. Saudi Arabia Goes Long On Russian Gas Sector, But At What Cost? According to a statement today, nothing has changed. To this, too, the answer is yes. Here’s John Bolton Promising Regime Change in Iran by the End of 2018. Its military history dates back more than 2,500 years. Iran is a theocratic republic with a supreme Trump says US not seeking regime change in Iran but warns against retaliation for Soleimani killing. Regime change has become a loaded term, especially in the fifteen-years after a U.S. invasion ousted Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, but when Khamenei dies, it is inevitable in Iran… Iran warns of 'harsh revenge' as US dispatches 3,500 troops to region. Many Iranian dissidents within Iran disagree with the U.S. pressure campaign. Rumors Of A Full-Scale war Between Russia And Ukraine. Each Friday, I look at what is happening in President-Elect Joe Biden’s transition to the White House. Andrew Buncombe. The Iran Uprising is a game changer. US President Donald Trump pulled out of Iran Nuclear deal on May 8 and announced to re-impose the economic sanctions on Iran in two phases. Prediction is perilous in any situation this chaotic. We advocate regime change for a free Iran that will end government corruption, environmental disasters, as well as human rights violations, carried out systematically by the Iranian regime. AUGUST 20, 2015 21:13. That’s the goal of NCRI and Maryam Rajavi.” Senator Martha McSally (R-AZ) and Rep. Lance Gooden (R-TX) also spoke at … Will Senate Dems join Lindsey Graham’s effort to blow up the Iran nuclear deal? The role Foundation for the Defense of Democracies served as a messaging hub for a controversial taxpayer-funded project, has never been revealed until now. Washington, D.C. - Feb. 28, 2020 - U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo testifies during a House Foreign Affairs Committee, on Capitol Hill. 2729-2739.ISSN (print) 0262-6667 January 18, 2020 / 0 Comments / in Commentary , National Security , News , Policy , Politics / by The Daily Signal It’s fine for astrologers and bookmakers to make predictions, but there’s no absolute certainty about what the future holds. The regime has been delegitimized for large portions of the Iranian population. If Mahmoud Ahmadinejad prevails--and that is by no means certain--he will be greatly weakened, handcuffed in his ability to play the nuclear card as a nationalist rallying cry. “The growth prediction is mostly based on Iran’s own economic performance under sanctions.”, Esfandyar Batmanghelidj, the founder of Bourse & Bazaar and a visiting fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, also noted the rather glaring misdirection of blame, tweeting that the IMF’s estimate was issued last October before the elections. The election came just days after the outbreak of the first coronavirus case in Iran, and the supreme leader blamed Iran's enemies for misinformation, disinformation and exaggerating the threat, thus discouraging people from turning out. In 2020, supporters of the Trump administration’s policy of “maximum pressure” against the Islamic Republic of Iran defend regime change as a feasible and “liberal” policy option . Chronologically, this prediction starts with the overthrow of the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, by the Islamic Revolution of Iran of 1979. Again without underestimating the power in the hands of the mullahs, the truth is that Iran today, far from being the island of calm portrayed in some leading American newspapers, is more nearly like a heaving volcano, ready to explode. Iran Regime Change by 2021? Yet Dubowitz has yet to issue a correction or delete his tweet. The GOP senator has been calling for war with Iran for years, and is now circulating a letter some Democrats are reportedly going to sign. And in Syria, Russia and Iran—determined to undermine U.S.-sponsored regime change in part lest Americans get the idea of trying it one day in Moscow or Tehran—responded to every U.S. escalation with a counterescalation of their own. The group, also known as the MEK, or Peoples' Mujahdin Organization of Iran, first waged a battle against the Shah of Iran and then turned its calling to opposing the current regime… Why? The Persian Year 1400, Iranians Renew Push for Regime Change. Hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was voted out Young Iranians want regime change. Iran will undergo a 'regime change' Photo credit should read -/AFP/Getty Images. President Rouhani was speaking at Tehran University, he said, “Over the past 40 years, there has not … Here's How . Many of the young Iranian protesters appear to want regime change—and Iran's supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, is no spring chicken. “The Biden [administration] is already giving major concessions,” he tweeted. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, A Stark Prediction For The Future Of The Iranian Regime, Ukrainian Operative For Jailed Naked Women In…, Russian Illegal Immigration Down By Almost Half…, Salvini Hits Back Against Leftist Criticism Over…, The Hypocrisy Is Glaring – US Urges Albanian…, European NGO Asks Albanian MP Candidate To Resign…, Albanian Diaspora Asks EU Support Against Politicians Who…, Serbia’s Vucic Accuses Kurti of Violating Kosovo’s Constitution, The Iranian Nuclear Threat – A Dirty Bomb…, A Discussion Of Trump’s Balkan Peace Deal With…, L Todd Wood With Ed Lozansky From Moscow,…, LIVESTREAM: President Trump and The First Lady Participate…, LIVESTREAM: CDMedia Interviews Former NSA Technology Director Bill…, Russia Begins Mass Vaccinations For Bubonic Plague On Mongolian Border, Yes, Russia Could Work With US Against China, Lukashenko Says Russia Will Help ‘Secure Belarus’…Putin Says He’s Ready To Help Under Union State Agreement, VIDEO: Belarusian Opposition Demands President Lukashenka Resign. Time for regime change in Iran "We should empower Iran’s democratic opposition to topple the regime." The yellow line includes an analysis of 87 decision makers in Iran, and a vast number of outside influencers trying to pressure Iran into changing its behavior, various players in the United States, and Egypt, and Saudi Arabia, and Russia, European Union, Japan, so on and so forth. “In the last 4 years, hunger, poverty, and dire economic conditions have been the initial trigger of the uprisings, but people’s demands quickly evolved to regime change. “That’s why this is occurring.”. Even during the holidays or the Olympics like they did in Kiev in 2014. Ambassador James Jeffrey is just reminding us how complicated and counterproductive our policy is there — if there is one. The IRGC will likely play a more active political role in Iran, which means talks with the US are unlikely to resume. The country in its present form—the Islamic Republic of Iran— was established in 1979 after the Islamic Revolu-tion. The Saudi oil field attacks the U.S. blames on Iran and Tehran's threats of all-out war with the U.S. show that American should pursue regime change. “Those protests raised hopes among Iran hawks in the U.S. that their dreams of regime change might soon be realized.” A war with a major Middle Eastern power is … A new Iran deal is unlikely regardless of who wins in November. Outcome: Correct. And no amount of facts or empirical evidence demonstrating what a bad idea that is will get in the way. Didn't you write a while back that the longer the Syrian civil war goes on, the greater the chance for an upheaval in Iran? They don’t want regime change, they insist: they just want the Islamic Republic’s theocrats to change their behavior. Former Trump officials and regime change proponents recently gathered to devise a ‘liberal’ case against diplomacy. ... so don’t expect internally driven regime change. "The Iran Regime-Change Crew Is Back. “Regime change in Iran is within reach. That probably spells doom for the nuclear deal." But that’s not true, as Sune Engel Rasmussen — the Journal reporter who wrote the piece Dubowitz cited — later pointed out. By throwing Iran’s rulers an economic lifeline, they believe, the deal is an abject failure. Reader comment on item: Support Assad. What about your old prediction about Iran and regime change? It won’t happen because that would mean the Atlantic alliance would have to mobilize for war. ersia, as Iran was known before 1935, was one of the great empires of the ancient world. (Mark Wilson/Getty Images) Libya has been torn apart by competing outside powers supporting rival proxies. Hawks preview strategy to oppose Biden’s ‘woke’ Iran policy, Former envoy: Al-Qaida linked leader an ‘asset’ to US Syria strategy. Opposition to Iran's clerical regime, in the form of street protests and armed attacks on government officials and installations, has been around since the country's 1979 Islamic revolution. The 1953 Iranian coup d'état, known in Iran as the 28 Mordad coup d'état (Persian: کودتای ۲۸ مرداد ‎), was the overthrow of the democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in favour of strengthening the monarchical rule of the Shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi on 19 August 1953. Regime change in Iran is one of the biggest taboos in U.S. foreign policy. Brands’ prediction of a return to Cold War-era covert regime change looks like it might be coming true. Over the weekend, Dubowitz tweeted a passage from  a Wall Street Journal article that noted an IMF report that “predicts Iran’s economy will return to 3.2% growth in 2021, following a 5% contraction in 2020, on the back of expanded oil sales and a stronger domestic industry.” Dubowitz blamed President Biden’s failure to maintain his predecessor’s “maximum pressure” campaign for the IMF’s alarming forecast. Iran’s parliamentary election is best understood as one held by a regime in fear of its unraveling in the hands of Iranian people, paralyzed with international isolation, but the future of Iran should be examined through it promising and a woman-led alternative. By INU Staff INU - It should not have been surprising to anyone that Donald Trump pulled out of the 2015 Iranian nuclear deal last week. A group of more than 300 prominent Iranian Americans are petitioning the Biden administration to publicly support dissident efforts to overthrow the Islamic Republic’s hardline clerical government. Don’t let facts get in the way of your pursuit for regime change, Amid tensions with Russia, Ukraine says it wants into NATO. The engineered fake protests in Iran this weekend were then immediately followed by an attack on a gas pipeline in southern Iran claimed by a radical Sunni terrorist group. By MIKE HUCKABEE . And that’s how it works: Iran hawks have created their narrative for the path to regime change or war — in this case to make it as politically difficult as possible for Biden to ease sanctions and restore U.S. compliance with the JCPOA. Nostradamus’ prediction “too great a faith will betray the monarch” refers to the powerful religious movement that toppled the Shah. In the book ‘The Secret War with Iran’, Bergman has written a history of encounters between Iran and the Zionist regime, while the bulk of the book relates to the Lebanese Hezbollah -Iran… The traditionally cheerful occasion will undoubtedly be viewed as an opportunity for positive transition, especially in the wake of the awful suffering and loss of life caused by the coronavirus … In 2020, Trump reversed a total ban by Obama. Experts have warned, however, that the killing of QUDS leader Qassem Soleimani could lead to a … This weekend, Iranians in Iran and throughout the world are celebrating Nowruz and marking the start of the year 1400 on the Persian calendar. Date: February 2012 Prediction: Iran's present regime is not going to last the year. We learned this week that Trump asked for plans to bomb Iran, but the full scope of the issue went largely unaddressed. Ninety-Nine Red Balloons…Deep State (Obama) May Get Its War With Russia. In an opinion piece published by the daily newspaper Iran, Ali Rabiei said the administration of new US President Joe Biden is likely to forswear the policy of pressuring Iran. The IMF estimate is from last year, months before Biden took office,” Rasmussen tweeted at Dubowitz. This is what they do—regime change and color revolutions around the world, one way or another. How US media manipulates Iran’s nuclear program into a sinister myth, The NYT’s Trump Iran ‘attack’ story and the failures of foreign policy reporting, VIDEO: FDD’s online harassment against critics of Trump’s State Department. For Iran’s leadership, the annual commemoration offered a reminder of the regime’s endurance and an opportunity for reassurance after an annus … ... That’s good, because regime change of that sort is not a legitimate function of U.S. foreign policy. Here's How . (Mark Wilson/Getty Images) Washington, D.C. - Feb. 28, 2020 - U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo testifies during a House Foreign Affairs Committee, on Capitol Hill. Albania: Rama’s Obsession With Tall Buildings Reminiscent Of Communism. Outcome: Correct. Zarif Reacts To Trump Regime Collapse Prediction September 01, 2018 By Radio Farda; Iran -- tehran - javad zarf in parliament. “This is not accurate, Mark. We are told that the young, educated, westernized part of the population seethes under the autocratic and medieval mullahs who hold power. Will Russia Aid The New American Confederacy? — Secretary Pompeo (@SecPompeo) October 29, 2018. A prominent NYT journalist got called out for sloppy reporting on Iran’s nuclear program; but the offenses go far beyond the paper of record. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 61(15), pp. The old saying, "predictions of my demise are premature," certainly applies to the rulers of Iran. While the regime attempts to portray a functioning democracy, the timing offers an … Under president Trump, the US goverment has adopted a policy of maximum presure towards the government of Iran, in an effort to curb its nuclear ambitions and proxy warfare. Excluding Iran from oil markets would certainly help realize that prediction. Contact us for more information on the latest news on Iran protests, human rights violations, and the state of the economy. Elections in theocratic Iran are neither free nor fair and primarily staged to provide a deceptive show of popular legitimacy. These elections are devoid of any legitimacy since no real pro-democracy or opposition groups takes part in them. Analysis: Did Albania’s Economy Develop During Communism? For that prediction he was jailed for five years and stripped of his religious honorific. Is Iran Headed for Regime Change? “These figures don’t reflect concessions by Biden — there haven’t been any,” he said. Furthermore, his secretaries of state and defense have repeatedly insisted Washington is not seeking a “regime change” in Iran. Foundation for the Defense of Democracies CEO Mark Dubowitz is best known for his leadership in promoting “economic warfare” against Iran as a means to foment regime change in Tehran or outright war with the Islamic Republic. So the numbers are actually very important, and it [the regime] tried to downplay the low turnout. Last November, the Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei ordered the Revolutionary Guard (IRGC) to “do whatever it takes” to end the nationwide protests that sprang up spontaneously after Tehran announced sudden hikes in the government-set price of gasoline. The Iranian government spokesman says the country forecasts “with certainty” that sanctions imposed by Washington against Iran will soon be removed. Failure Forecast: Sanctions Won't Work on Iran. That’s what happens when the ruling regime steals from its people and invests in Assad—instead of creating jobs for Iranians, they ruin the economy. In the first week of February, a group of 38 activists signed an open letter calling for U.S.-led regime change, while over 200 activists signed an opposing letter calling for renewed U.S.-Iranian diplomacy and an end to economic sanctions. ©2021 Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Part of that campaign requires spreading a lot of mis- or disinformation, and Dubowitz himself has been a fervent participant in those efforts. It’s Putin’s Sandbox Now, And That’s A Great Thing, The Albanian Liberal Artist Who Became An Illiberal Prime Minister Seeks Third Term, Putin’s Former Chief Of Staff Calls Trump A Champion Against New World Order, Biden Criticizes Russia For Jailing Political Opposition, As Biden Pushes To Jail His Own Political Opposition. Date: February 2012. Bring it up and you will be scorned as a warmonger, a fomenter of chaos. Prediction of climate change effects on the runoff regime of a forested catchment in northern Iran By Farhad Hajian, Alan P. Dykes, Bagher Zahabiyoun and Maia Ibsen Cite Diker noted the prediction of the late Uri Lubrani, the last Israeli Ambassador to Iran, “that popular discontent would lead to regime change rather than an external attack.” He noted that the Iranian people are fundamentally democratic and opposed to living under an Islamic terrorist supporting regime. The engineered fake protests in Iran this weekend were then immediately followed by an attack on a gas pipeline in southern Iran claimed by a radical Sunni terrorist group. Hajian, Farhad, Dykes, Alan P., Zahabiyoun, Bagher and Ibsen, Maia (2016) Prediction of climate change effects on the runoff regime of a forested catchment in northern Iran. The Iranian regime is completely mired in domestic and international crises. Iran Regime Change by 2021? The US has, however, stopped short of calling for regime change in Iran and has thus far avoided striking targets inside of Iran. The World Trade Organization has assessed in 2020 there will be a 13% to 32% drop in world trade, with Iran at the top end of that range, at least 32%, due to 70% of Iran’s exports consisting of oil and petrochemical products ( State-run Hamshahri Newspaper May 12, 2020). If many of the preconditions for regime change are in place, is the time right? Prediction: Iran's present regime is not going to last the year. Why is Biden’s DoD standing behind Trump’s retrograde landmine policy? Decades earlier, when Ali Khamenei replaced Rohollah Khomeini in 1986, Mr. Tehrani predicted the new Supreme leader would be a “disaster” for Iran — and for Islam. Even during the holidays or the Olympics like they did in Kiev in 2014. Libya has been torn apart by competing outside powers supporting rival proxies. What’s the chances of seeing a regime change in Iran in 10 years time? Opposition to Iran's clerical regime, in the form of street protests and armed attacks on government officials and installations, has been around since the country's 1979 Islamic revolution. This is what they do—regime change and color revolutions around the world, one way or another. On February 21, 2020, Iran holds its 11th parliamentary elections. Among the most strident critics of the nuclear deal with Iran are those who believe it furthers the survival of its leadership. This week: Iran will likely provide an early test for Biden and his national security team. Over the weekend, Dubowitz tweeted a passage from a Wall Street Journal article that noted an IMF report that “predicts Iran’s economy will return to 3.2% growth in 2021, following a 5% contraction in 2020, on the back of expanded oil sales and a stronger domestic industry.” Dubowitz blamed President Biden’s failure to maintain his predecessor’s “maximum pressure” campaign for the … Saeed Ghasseminejad: President Joe Biden would give Iran what it wants most — so Iran hopes he defeats Trump A Biden victory would prop up the Iranian regime. And in Syria, Russia and Iran—determined to undermine U.S.-sponsored regime change in part lest Americans get the idea of trying it one day in Moscow or Tehran—responded to every U.S. escalation with a counterescalation of their own. Trump’s Regime Change Policy for Iran Is a Fevered Fantasy — It Will Only Promote Chaos and Instability After Qassim Suleimani’s assassination, we may already be at war with Iran. The result was a series of mass shootings across dozens of Iranian cities. The committee heard testimony on the Trump administration's policies on Iran, Iraq and the use of force. Submitted by PezDispenser (Israel), Apr 14, 2013 at 15:54.