Gandhi gave interviews and wrote articles along the way. Mahatma Gandhi Ind Med Gaz. Non-Violence Peace. 70 63 13. [32], Gandhi prepared the worldwide media for the march by issuing regular statements from Sabarmati, at his regular prayer meetings and through direct contact with the press. März 1930 begann, gilt als Symbol für den gewaltlosen Widerstand, mit dem er Indien von der Kolonialherrschaft der Briten befreien wollte. [49], Thousands of satyagrahis and leaders like Sarojini Naidu joined him. 5 1 1. Mäerz 1930 op de sougenannte „Salzmarsch“ opzebriechen. D er indische Freiheitskämpfer Mahatma Gandhi bricht am 12. Gandhi kämpfte auch mit Sitz- … Hinzu kam, dass sie das gewonnene Salz nicht nur für private Zwecke benutzten, sondern es auch steuerfrei weiterverkauften. Citaten från Mahatma Gandhi inspirerar fortfarande folk världen över. At the finale in Dandi, the prime minister of India, Dr Manmohan Singh, greeted the marchers and promised to build an appropriate monument at Dandi to commemorate the marchers and the historical event. Insgesamt doch wohl eher erfolglos, angesichts des Urteils der Geschichte. Gandhi picked up grains of salt at the end of his march. They cannot attack the abstract constitution or lead an army against proclamations and statutes ... Civil disobedience has to be directed against the salt tax or the land tax or some other particular point – not that; that is our final end, but for the time being it is our aim, and we must shoot straight. Genom att arrestera Gandhi hoppades kolonialregeringen kunna isolera honom från sina anhängare och beröva honom det politiska inflytandet. [73], Gandhi himself avoided further active involvement after the march, though he stayed in close contact with the developments throughout India. [1] The march spanned 240 miles (390 km), from Sabarmati Ashram to Dandi, which was called Navsari at that time (now in the state of Gujarat). [20] Salt was sold illegally all over the coast of India. Salz war seit jeher ein bedeutender Wirtschaftsfaktor Indiens und zudem für die Bevölkerung notwendig, um einerseits das Grundnahrungsmittel Reis zuzubereiten, andererseits im heißen Klima den täglichen Elektrolytverlust auszugleichen. Als Mahatma Gandhi gekleidete Männer beteiligen sich eine Nachstellung der Salz März in Durban 17. He said that "a bonfire should be made of foreign cloth. Han var en förgrundsfigur i Indiens självständighetssträvanden från Brittiska imperiet. A crowd of Khudai Khidmatgar gathered in Peshawar's Qissa Kahani (Storytellers) Bazaar. [2] Growing numbers of Indians joined them along the way. Mahatma Gandhi Portrait. The Indian National Congress, led by Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru, publicly issued the Declaration of sovereignty and self-rule, or Purna Swaraj, on 26 January 1930. Gandhi var en indisk advokat, politiker och andlig ledare. Mahatma means “great soul.” Der Salzmarsch oder die Salz-Satyagraha von 1930 war eine Kampagne Mahatma Gandhis, die das Salzmonopol der Briten brechen sollte und letztlich zur Unabhängigkeit Indiens von Großbritannien führte. [71] Usha Mehta, an early Gandhian activist, remarked that "Even our old aunts and great-aunts and grandmothers used to bring pitchers of salt water to their houses and manufacture illegal salt. None of those measures slowed the civil disobedience movement. Mahatma Gandhi was a very empowering and Visionary leader. A government report on the involvement of women stated "thousands of them emerged ... from the seclusion of their homes ... in order to join Congress demonstrations and assist in picketing: and their presence on these occasions made the work the police was required to perform particularly unpleasant. That evening, as Gandhi’s time-piece, which hung from one of the folds of his dhoti [loin-cloth], was to reveal to him, he was uncharacteristically late to his prayers, and he fretted about his inability to be punctual. After making illegal salt there, he too was arrested by the British. [70] Gandhi had asked that only men take part in the salt march, but eventually women began manufacturing and selling salt throughout India. The declaration included the readiness to withhold taxes, and the statement: We believe that it is the inalienable right of the Indian people, as of any other people, to have freedom and to enjoy the fruits of their toil and have the necessities of life, so that they may have full opportunities of growth. Am 12 März 1930 begann Gandhi seinen Salzmarsch. Mahatma Gandhi – fredsapostel på blodbestänkt väg. It remains to be seen whether the Government will tolerate as they have tolerated the march, the actual breach of the salt laws by countless people from tomorrow. Time declared Gandhi its 1930 Man of the Year, comparing Gandhi's march to the sea "to defy Britain's salt tax as some New Englanders once defied a British tea tax". For the first time in … However, Gandhi was arrested on the midnight of 4–5 May 1930, just days before the planned action at Dharasana. Mohandas 'Mahatma' Gandhi Gandhi in 1931 during a visit to London©. Salzmarsch - demonstration . Schools and colleges should become empty. He employed non-violent principles and peaceful disobedience as a means to achieve his goal. Duerch d'Verduebelung vun der Salzsteier si virun allem Bauere vum Subkontinent immens getraff ginn. Dagegen wollte Gandhi protestieren. [4] Although over 60,000 Indians were jailed as a result of the Salt Satyagraha,[5] the British did not make immediate major concessions.[6]. H eute vor 78 Jahren, am 5. "Just a grain of salt? [17], Gandhi felt that this protest would dramatise Purna Swaraj in a way that was meaningful to every Indian. Hänet tunnetaan väkivallattoman vastarinnan satyagrahan kehittäjänä. On 2 March 1930 Gandhi wrote to the Viceroy, Lord Irwin, offering to stop the march if Irwin met eleven demands, including reduction of land revenue assessments, cutting military spending, imposing a tariff on foreign cloth, and abolishing the salt tax. Der gleichnamige Bodentyp findet sich unter,, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. März 1930 bracht Mahatma Gandhi von seinem Ashram Sabarmati bei Ahmadabad zum „Salzmarsch“ nach Dandi am Arabischen Meer auf. Soldiers began clubbing the satyagrahis with steel tipped lathis in an incident that attracted international attention. At midnight on 31 December 1929, the Indian National Congress raised the tricolour flag of India on the banks of the Ravi at Lahore. [12], The Congress Working Committee gave Gandhi the responsibility for organising the first act of civil disobedience, with Congress itself ready to take charge after Gandhi's expected arrest. His efforts earned him the title Mahatma. Weit mehr als 50 000 Menschen gehen wegen ihm in den Knast, für lange Zeit; er selbst verbringt ca. However, Gandhi had sound reasons for his decision. I was particularly moved by his Salt March to the Sea and his numerous fasts. Only after threatening to expose British censorship was his story allowed to pass. The Dandi March and the ensuing Dharasana Satyagraha drew worldwide attention to the Indian independence movement through extensive newspaper and newsreel coverage. Oktober 1869: Geburt des Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi in Porpandar als ... Auf dem 80 tägigen Salzmarsch vom Ashram von Sabarmati nach Dandi an der Küste schließen sich mehrere Tausend Menschen dem Zug an; an der Küste angekommen, hebt Gandhi eine Handvoll Salzkörner am Nehru considered the Salt Satyagraha the high-water mark of his association with Gandhi,[88] and felt that its lasting importance was in changing the attitudes of Indians: Of course these movements exercised tremendous pressure on the British Government and shook the government machinery. | Adlibris [54], What had begun as a Salt Satyagraha quickly grew into a mass Satyagraha. Välj mellan premium Mahatma Gandhi av högsta kvalitet. Mahatma Gandhi . "[17], The British establishment too was not disturbed by these plans of resistance against the salt tax. Mehrere hundert Menschen folgten ihm beim so genannten "Salzmarsch"“, um gegen die hohe Salzsteuer zu protestieren. He was assassinated in 1948, shortly after achieving his life goal of Indian independence. [68] The Pashtun satyagrahis acted in accord with their training in nonviolence, willingly facing bullets as the troops fired on them. [30] This revolt gained momentum and had support from all parts of India. I have also called it Love-force or Soul-force." [21][22] Referring to the relationship between satyagraha and Purna Swaraj, Gandhi saw "an inviolable connection between the means and the end as there is between the seed and the tree". [9] The march was the most significant organised challenge to British authority since the Non-cooperation movement of 1920–22, and directly followed the Purna Swaraj declaration of sovereignty and self-rule by the Indian National Congress on 26 January 1930. The only thing that was asked of the villagers was food and water to wash with. "[79] Miller's first attempts at telegraphing the story to his publisher in England were censored by the British telegraph operators in India. Great patches of blood widened on their white clothes. [63], There were outbreaks of violence in Calcutta (now spelled Kolkata), Karachi, and Gujarat. As president of the Indian National Congress and the first woman governor of free India, she was a fervent advocate for India, avidly mobilizing support for the Indian independence movement. [62] The British responded with more laws, including censorship of correspondence and declaring the Congress and its associate organisations illegal. Besonders berühmt wurde der "Salzmarsch". Mahatma Gandhi had to go through many obstacles in his lifetime. Download » Seven Months with Mahatma Gandhi - by Krishnadas, Abridged and Edited by Richard Gregg. The route of the march, along with each evening's stopping place, was planned based on recruitment potential, past contacts, and timing. Mit dieser Aktion protestierte Gandhi im Jahr 1930 gegen ein Gesetz, das den Indern verbot, Salz zu gewinnen. All you need to know", "Photos: Remembering the 80 unsung heroes of Mahatma Gandhi's Dandi March", "Brouchure issued by Ministry of Culture, GOI on NSSM", "Mahatma is the Message: Gandhi's Life as Consummate Communicator", Hindustan Socialist Republican Association, Conscientious objection to military taxation, List of historical acts of tax resistance, National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee, The Cold War and the Income Tax: A Protest,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2020, All Wikipedia articles needing words, phrases or quotes attributed, Wikipedia articles needing words, phrases or quotes attributed from March 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Darjeeling (Gorkhaland territorial Administration), Decourcy, Elisa. Familjen befann sig precis under brahmanerna (prästerna) och kshatriyerna (ädlingar och krigare). Besonders berühmt wurde der "Salzmarsch". Mahatma Gandhi Statue. Mahatma Gandhi India. Only a change brought about in our political condition by pure means can lead to real progress."[24]. He was the youngest of all children and had three older siblings, 2 brothers, and one sister. The whole concept of Satyagraha (Satya is truth which equals love, and agraha is force; Satyagraha, therefore, means truth force or love force) was profoundly significant to me. März 1930 von seinem Wohnort Sabarmati-Aschram bei Ahmedabad über 385 Kilometer nach Dandi am Arabischen Meer. Für Unabhängigkeit und gegen das englische Salzmonopol: Mahatma Gandhi bricht mit seinen Anhängern zum spektakulären Salzmarsch auf. Zum Abschluss des 24-tägigen sog. Als er nach 24 Tagen dort ankam, hob er einige Körner Salz auf. Archivbild Quelle: dpa. I regard this tax to be the most iniquitous of all from the poor man's standpoint. Salz war zu dëser März 1930 bracht Mahatma Gandhi von seinem Ashram Sabarmati bei Ahmadabad zum „Salzmarsch“ nach Dandi am Arabischen Meer auf. Dieser Artikel beschäftigt sich mit der Kampagne Mohandas Gandhis. You will be beaten, but you must not resist: you must not even raise a hand to ward off blows." Diese Aktion sollte den zivilen Ungehorsam beflügeln und ein Zeichen gegen die Abhängigkeit von zu hohen Steuern durch Großbritannien setzen. This call to arms was perhaps the most remarkable call to war that has ever been made."[42][43]. Es war ein einfallsreicher Protest gegen das Salzmonopol der britischen Kolonialmacht. [40] Gandhi remarked, "On bended knees I asked for bread and I have received stone instead. Bevor er sich auf den Weg machte, schrieb Gandhi einen Brief an den britischen Vizekönig von Indien, Lord EFL Wood, Earl of Halifax, in dem er anbot, den Marsch als Gegenleistung für Zugeständnisse wie die Abschaffung der Salzsteuer, … Sie marschierten gemeinsam über 200 … [77] United Press correspondent Webb Miller reported that: Not one of the marchers even raised an arm to fend off the blows. Mahatma Gandhi Great Quotes with Images. Mahatma Gandhi was a prominent Indian political leader who was a leading figure in the campaign for Indian independence. Mahatma ”stor ande” Gandhi föddes år 1869 i Indien.Familjen Gandhi var hinduer av medelklassen som tillhörde köpmankasten. [75] He was arrested under an 1827 regulation calling for the jailing of people engaged in unlawful activities, and held without trial near Poona (now Pune).[76]. [31] The Salt March was also called the White Flowing River because all the people were joining the procession wearing white khadi. These measures did not appear to have any effect on the movement...", "Indian, British, and world opinion increasingly recognized the legitimate claims of Gandhi and Congress for Indian independence. More importantly, due to extensive press coverage, it scored a propaganda victory out of all proportion to its size. Die von der britischen Kolonialmacht 1923 verdoppelte Steuer auf Salz traf vor allem die Bauern des Subkontinents hart. Mahatma Gandhi and his followers during the Salt March protests, India, March or April 1930. März 1930 zum "Salzmarsch“ ans Arabische Meer auf. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (gudžaratiksi મોહનદાસ કરમચંદ ગાંધી, IAST: mohandās karamcand gāndhī, 2. lokakuuta 1869 Porbandar, Intia – 30. tammikuuta 1948 New Delhi, Intia), tavallisesti kutsuttu nimellä Mahatma Gandhi oli Intian itsenäisyysliikkeen johtaja. Der Salzmarsch oder die Salz-Satyagraha von 1930 war eine Kampagne Mahatma Gandhis, die das Salzmonopol der Briten brechen sollte und letztlich zur Unabhängigkeit Indiens von Großbritannien führte. The route from Sabarmati Ashram to Dandi has now been christened as the Dandi Path and has been declared a historical heritage route. [68], While Gandhi marched along India's west coast, his close associate C. Rajagopalachari, who would later become sovereign India's first Governor-General, organized the Vedaranyam salt march in parallel on the east coast. Most of them simply dispersed after the march was over. 27 31 8. [20] Gandhi sent scouts to each village ahead of the march so he could plan his talks at each resting place, based on the needs of the local residents. Der Himalaya, das höchste Gebirge der Welt, bildet die Grenze zum Norden. Unlike his suspension of satyagraha after violence broke out during the Non-co-operation movement, this time Gandhi was "unmoved".