Certain cookies are used to obtain aggregated statistics about website visits to help us constantly improve the site and better serve your needs. Once a Commission proposal has been received by the Council, the text is examined simultaneously by the Council and the European Parliament. Lorsqu'une discussion est nécessaire au sein du Coreper parce qu'un accord n'a pas été trouvé au sein du groupe sur certains aspects d'une proposition, la question est inscrite dans la partie II de l'ordre du jour du Coreper. special legislative procedure with the Council of the European Union or Council (comprised of representatives of all the Member States) as the sole legislator La procédure législative ordinaire, également appelée "codécision", s'applique à environ 85 domaines d'action de l'UE, qui vont de la lutte contre les discriminations à la politique commune de l'immigration. Plus de 150 groupes et comités contribuent à préparer les travaux des ministres qui examinent les propositions dans les différentes formations du Conseil. Because the Council (like the Parliament) has no power to submit legislat… Decisions may be … Dans la plupart des cas, le Conseil prend des décisions conjointement avec le Parlement européen selon la procédure législative ordinaire, également appelée "codécision". In European Union law, a decision is a legal instrument which is binding upon those individuals to which it is addressed. There is also no obligation for the working party to present an agreement, but the outcome of their discussions is presented to Coreper. The Council's final position, however, cannot be adopted until the Parliament has delivered its own first reading opinion. Le siège du Conseil de l'UE et du Conseil européen se trouve à Bruxelles (Belgique). page relative à la politique en matière de cookies, En savoir plus sur le rôle du Conseil européen, Base de données des actes législatifs relevant de la procédure législative ordinaires, En savoir plus sur les instances préparatoires du Conseil, Comment la législation européenne est adoptée, La procédure législative ordinaire du Parlement européen, le Comité des représentants permanents (Coreper), renvoyer la proposition au groupe, éventuellement accompagnée de propositions de compromis, qui sont demeurés en suspens à l'issue de sessions précédentes du Conseil, qui n'ont pas pu faire l'objet d'un accord au niveau du Coreper ou du groupe, qui sont trop sensibles du point de vue politique pour être réglés à un niveau inférieur. 11 March 2021. We will use this data to improve your experience on our website. You can get in contact to arrange a visit, ask questions about the work of both institutions, and request a document, among other services. However, its role is to provide a general political impetus rather than act as a decision-making body in the legal sense. Les attachés de presse s'expriment à titre officieux à propos des activités du Conseil. The Commission controls that decisions are … In this case, Coreper can: Most proposals feature on the agenda of Coreper several times, as they try to resolve differences that the working party has not overcome. Le Conseil européen réunit les dirigeants de l'UE au moins quatre fois par an. Si un accord peut être obtenu sans discussion, le point est inscrit dans la partie I de l'ordre du jour du Coreper. Nous aimerions savoir ce que vous pensez de notre site web. 38th Session of the ACP-EU Joint Council of Ministers (6-7 June 2013) DECISIONS. They are one of three kinds of legal instruments which may be effected under EU law which can have legally binding effects on individuals. It must be applied in its entirety across the EU. The General Secretariat of the Council is a body of staff responsible for assisting the European Council and the Council of the EU. The press office holds press events, offers audiovisual coverage of major events and provides facilities for journalists. Pour en savoir plus sur les documents et les publications. European Union (Council Decision 2002/187/JHA of 28 February 2002 setting up Eurojust with a view to reinforcing the fight against serious crime (3) and Decision 2005/681/JHA of 20 September 2005 estab­ lishing the European Police College (CEPOL) (4) have taken the form of Council Decisions, since such Framework decisions were similar to directives in that they required member states to achieve particular results without dictating the means of achieving that result. Discussion on these items can nevertheless be re-opened if one or more member states so request. EU Council Decisions The European Union (EU) and its Member States have a longstanding tradition of supporting mine action around the world, and implementation of the Convention. The Council of the EU meets in different configurations depending on the topic discussed. COUNCIL DECISION 2014/165/EU. To date, two EU Council Decisions and one Joint Action have benefitted implementation of key aspects of the Convention in more than 20 States Parties. With your permission, we will use AT internet cookies to produce aggregated, anonymous data about our visitors' browsing and behaviour on our website. If agreement can be reached without discussion, items appear on Part I of the Coreper agenda. D'autres cookies sont employés pour augmenter les performances et assurer la sécurité du site web. Other cookies are used to boost performance and guarantee security of the website. Le groupe entame d'abord un examen général de la proposition, puis il entre dans le détail du texte. Le Conseil est une instance de décision essentielle de l'UE. If Coreper has been able to finalise discussions on a proposal, it becomes an 'A' item on the Council agenda, meaning that agreement is expected without debate. En règle générale, deux tiers environ des questions inscrites à l'ordre du jour du Conseil sont adoptées en point "A". This is how decisions are made in the EU: Heads of state and government make decisions on general policies in the European Council. Une orientation générale approuvée au sein du Conseil peut contribuer à accélérer la procédure législative et même faciliter un accord entre les deux institutions, car elle fournit au Parlement des indications sur la position du Conseil avant qu'il ne rende son avis en première lecture. We use cookies in order to ensure that you can get the best browsing experience possible on the Council website. The Council of the EU is the institution representing the member states' governments. Une fois qu'une proposition de la Commission est parvenue au Conseil, le texte est examiné simultanément par le Conseil et le Parlement européen. One of the EU's 7 official institutions, the European Council takes the form of (usually quarterly) summit meetings between EU leaders, chaired by a permanent president. Le Conseil de l'UE est l'institution qui représente les gouvernements des États membres. Vous pouvez également consulter les publications du Conseil, accéder aux archives et effectuer des recherches sur les actes législatifs que le Conseil négocie avec le Parlement européen. Suivez l'évolution récente de la situation en ce qui concerne l'élaboration des politiques et la législation en cours de négociation. Merci de prendre quelques minutes pour répondre à notre courte enquête à la fin de votre visite. En attendant la position du Parlement en première lecture, le Conseil peut parfois adopter un accord politique, également appelé "orientation générale". For those purposes and on the basis of the TEU, the European Council and the Council adopt non-legislative decisions (Article 31(1) of the TEU). To get more information about these cookies, how and why we use them and how you can change your settings, check our cookies policy page. The European Council reiterated in particular that the future relationship with the United Kingdom will have to be based on a balance of rights and obligations and ensure a level playing field. The meetings of the European Council, still commonly referred to as EU summits, are chaired by its president and take place at least twice every six months; usually in the Europa building in Brussels. On 14 September 2015, the Council adopted Decision (EU) 2015/1523 (2), which provided for a temporary and exceptional relocation mechanism from Italy and Greece to other Member States of persons in clear need of international protection. DECISIONS COUNCIL DECISION (CFSP) 2015/1835 of 12 October 2015 def ining the st atute, seat and operational r ules of the European Defence Agency (recast) THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, Having regard to the Treaty on European Union, and in par ticular Ar ticles 42 and 45 thereof, Whereas: A "regulation" is a binding legislative act. Il négocie et adopte les nouveaux actes législatifs de l'UE, les adapte si nécessaire et coordonne les politiques. 1. 3. Read more about the role of the European Council, Database of legislative acts under the ordinary legislative procedure, Read more about the Council's preparatory bodies, The ordinary legislative procedure at the European Parliament, Permanent Representatives Committee (Coreper), refer the proposal back to the working party, perhaps with suggestions for a compromise, upon which no agreement was reached in Coreper or at working party level, that are too politically sensitive to be settled at a lower level. Negotiates and adopts EU laws, together with the European Parliament, based on proposals from the European Il réunit les chefs d'État ou de gouvernement des États membres, ainsi que le président du Conseil européen et le président de la Commission. It helps organise and ensure the coherence of the Council's work and the implementation of its 18-month programme. The European Commission, together with the High Representative, give effect to these decisions into EU law through joint proposals for Council regulations, also adopted by the Council. On EU activities in support of the implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty, in the framework of the European Security Strategy. Les comités et les groupes de travail sont chargés des travaux préparatoires précédant l'examen des dossiers lors des sessions du Conseil. At the end of negotiations, the Council decides on the signature and conclusion of the agreement, based on a proposal from the Commission. À chaque lecture, la proposition passe par trois niveaux au Conseil: De cette façon, la proposition fait l'objet d'un examen technique au niveau du groupe, une responsabilité politique est exercée au niveau des ministres à l'égard de cette proposition, et un examen se déroule aussi au sein du Coreper, au niveau des ambassadeurs, qui allient expertise technique et réflexion politique. Before the Commission proposes a new policy or law, it: 1. describes the initiative in a roadmap or inception impact assessment 2. examines the potential economic, social and environmental consequences in an impact assessment 3. requests input from the public and stakeholders, for example via public consultationsCitizens can suggest new EU policies or laws through the European citizens' initiative.How priorities are setWork programmeGet updates on new roadmaps and public consultations… EU law (EUR-Lex) Search for directives, regulations, decisions… The Governing Council took the following decisions: First, the Governing Council will continue to conduct net asset purchases under the pandemic emergency purchase programme (PEPP) with a total envelope of €1,850 billion until at least the end of March 2022 and, in any case, until it judges that the coronavirus crisis phase is over. If the Council is deciding on procedural matters, for example evaluating the adoption of its own rules of procedure, all it will need to pass a decision is the favourable vote of 15 out of its 28 ministerial members. Le groupe entame d'abord un examen général de la proposition, puis il entre dans le détail du texte. As the Council is a single legal entity, any of its 10 configurations can adopt a Council act that falls under the remit of another configuration. Votre avis est vraiment très important pour nous aider à améliorer votre navigation à l'avenir. A "directive" is a legislative act that sets out a goal that all EU countries must achieve. The body of law that comes from the principles and objectives of the treaties is known as secondary law; and includes regulations, directives, decisions, recommendations and opinions. In addition, in its role as guardian of the treaties the Commission has an essential role in overseeing sanctions implementation by Member States. The European Council is now authorised to adopt binding acts, which may be c… Comme le Conseil est une entité juridique unique, n'importe laquelle de ses dix formations peut adopter un acte du Conseil qui relève de la compétence d'une autre formation. More than 150 working parties and committees help prepare the work of ministers who examine proposals in the different Council configurations. For example, when the EU wanted to make sure that there are common safeguards on goods imported from outside the EU, the Council adopted a regulation. In most cases, the Council decides together with the European Parliament through the ordinary legislative procedure, also known as 'codecision'. A framework decision was a kind of legislative act of the European Union used exclusively within the EU's competences in police and judicial co-operation in criminal justice matters. Directives. The Council is an essential EU decision-maker. Il peut y avoir jusqu'à trois lectures avant que le Conseil et le Parlement marquent leur accord sur une proposition législative ou la rejettent. Equally, a simple majority is also all that is needed in order to pass requests to the Commission to submit legislative proposals or undertake studies on any matter. Decisions which do not specify to whom they are addressed, irrespective of whether they are legislative or non-legislative acts, must be published in the Official Journal of the European Union. Le Conseil européen est l'institution de l'UE qui définit les orientations et les priorités politiques générales de l'Union européenne. Le Conseil de l'UE siège en différentes formations, en fonction des questions à examiner. Dans ce cas, le Coreper peut: La plupart des propositions sont inscrites plusieurs fois à l'ordre du jour du Coreper: celui-ci tente en effet de régler des divergences que le groupe n'a pas réussi à surmonter. At each reading the proposal passes through three levels at the Council: This ensures that there is technical scrutiny of the proposal at working party level, political responsibility for it at ministers' level, as well as scrutiny by ambassadors in Coreper, who combine technical expertise with political consideration. It represents the highest level of political cooperation between EU countries. Ces groupes et comités sont composés de fonctionnaires de tous les États membres. At its meeting of 25 and 26 June 2015, the European Council decided, inter alia, that three key dimensions should be advanced in parallel: relocation/resettlement, return/readmission/reintegration, and cooperation with countries of origin and transit. Si un membre souhaite ajouter une note explicative au vote, cette note sera elle aussi rendue publique, en cas d'adoption de l'acte juridique. These binding agreements between EU member countries set out EU objectives, rules for EU institutions, how decisions are made and the relationship between the EU and its members. YAYIN NO. Also known informally as the EU Council, it is where national ministers from each EU country meet to adopt laws and coordinate policies. 2014-2020 Multiannual Financial Framework (PDF) 2. The Council may sometimes adopt a political agreement pending first reading position of the Parliament, also known as a 'general approach'. In a number of very specific areas, the Council takes decisions using special legislative procedures - the consent procedure and the consultation procedure - where the role of the Parliament is limited. Les documents du Conseil et du Conseil européen sont disponibles dans le registre public, conformément aux règles de l'UE en matière de transparence. Le Secrétariat général du Conseil regroupe le personnel chargé d'assister le Conseil européen et le Conseil de l'UE. As a rule, around two-thirds of the items on a Council agenda will be for adoption as 'A' items. La position finale du Conseil ne peut toutefois pas être adoptée tant que le Parlement n'a pas rendu son avis en première lecture. Le groupe n'est pas non plus dans l'obligation de présenter un accord, mais les résultats de ses travaux sont présentés au Coreper. La partie "B" de l'ordre du jour du Conseil comprend les points: Les résultats des votes exprimés par les membres du Conseil sont systématiquement rendus publics lorsque le Conseil agit en tant que législateur. Treaties are the starting point for EU law and are known in the EU as primary law. COUNCIL DECISION (EU, ... Council, as well as statements and declarations, notably those of 25 November 2018. The European Council brings together EU leaders at least four times a year. La procédure de codécision a été introduite pour la première fois en 1992 et son utilisation a été étendue en 1999. A.Place in the EU’s institutional system Under Article 13 of the TEU, the European Council forms part of the ‘single institutional framework’ of the Union. Every action taken by the EU is founded on the treaties. The headquarters of the Council of the EU and the European Council are located in Brussels (Belgium). Committees and working parties handle the preparatory work on files before they are discussed at Council meetings. There is also no obligation for the working party to present an agreement, but the outcome of their discussions is presented to Coreper. The Council's decision-making process explained. There is no formal time limit for a working party to complete its work; the time taken depends on the nature of the proposal. Dans ces cas, le Conseil légifère sur la base de propositions soumises par la Commission européenne. The press office is the first point of contact for all media requests. On 14 September 2015, the Council adopted Decision (EU) 2015/1523 (1), which provided for a temporar y and exceptional relocation mechanism from Italy and Greece to other Member States of persons in clear need of inter­ national protection. The 'B' section of the Council agenda includes points: The results of Council votes are automatically made public when the Council acts in its capacity as legislator. C'est au sein de cette institution, appelée aussi simplement le Conseil, que les ministres nationaux de tous les pays de l'UE se réunissent pour adopter les lois et coordonner les politiques. Decisions of the European Council are taken by consensus, except where the … Pour plus d'informations sur ces cookies, ainsi que pour découvrir comment et pourquoi nous les utilisons et comment vous pouvez modifier vos paramètres, veuillez consulter notre page relative à la politique en matière de cookies. The ordinary legislative procedure, also called 'codecision' is used for around 85 EU policy areas, ranging from the fight against discrimination to common immigration policy. You can also take a look at Council publications, access the archives and search for legislation that the Council negotiates together with the European Parliament. The European Council is the EU institution that defines the general political direction and priorities of the European Union. La présidence du Conseil, avec l'aide du Secrétariat général, détermine quel est le groupe compétent pour traiter une proposition et le convoque. The Council of Ministers and Parliament approve the laws together. It negotiates and adopts new EU legislation, adapts it when necessary, and coordinates policies. Accession of Somalia to the Cotonou Accord (2nd Revision) Fichier attaché Taille; ACP25014.13 ENG Decisions -Resolutions and Declarations of the 97th Session CM.pdf: 1.18 Mo: ACP-EU_2014-2020_FinancialProtocol.pdf: 21.15 Ko: … A working party begins with a general examination of the proposal, and then makes a line-by-line scrutiny of it. However, in certain specific cases outlined in the EU treaties, it decides by unanimity or by qualified majority. La codécision s'applique aux domaines d'action dans lesquels l'UE dispose d'une compétence exclusive ou d'une compétence partagée avec les États membres. Every six weeks, it takes its monetary policy decision, i.e. DPT: 2596 Türkiye-Avrupa Topluluğu Ortaklık Konseyi Kararları Turkey–European Union Assosiation Council Decisions 1964-2000 Cilt 2 Ankara 2001 The European Council brings together EU leaders to set the EU's political agenda. Le service de presse organise des événements pour la presse, assure une couverture audiovisuelle des principaux événements et fournit des équipements aux journalistes. Avec votre permission, nous ferons appel à des cookies AT Internet pour produire des données agrégées anonymes concernant les habitudes de navigation et le comportement des visiteurs sur notre site web. COUNCIL DECISION (EU) 2015/1523 of 14 September 2015 est ablishing provisional measures in the area of inter national protection for the benef it of Italy and of … It consists of the heads of state or government of the member states, together with its President and the President of the Commission. Coreper treatment of the proposal depends on the level of agreement reached at working party level. Nous utilisons des cookies pour vous garantir la meilleure expérience de navigation possible sur le site web du Conseil. Codecision is used for policy areas where the EU has exclusive or shared competence with the member states. A general approach agreed in the Council can help to speed up the legislative procedure and even facilitate an agreement between the two institutions, as it gives the Parliament an indication of the Council's position prior to their first reading opinion. There can be up to three readings before the Council and the Parliament agree on or reject a legislative proposal. In other cases, when explanations of votes are not automatically published, it can be made public on the request of the author. A working party begins with a general examination of the proposal, and then makes a line-by-line scrutiny of it. Le Conseil de l'UE et le Conseil européen sont actifs dans un grand nombre de domaines qui touchent aux intérêts de l'UE et de ses citoyens. 1. Dans un certain nombre de domaines très spécifiques, le Conseil prend des décisions en recourant à des procédures législatives particulières - procédure d'approbation et procédure de consultation - lorsque le rôle du Parlement est limité. The presidency of the Council, with the assistance of the General Secretariat, identifies and convenes the appropriate working party to handle a proposal. Most EU legal acts negotiated through this procedure are adopted at the first reading. Finally, the European Council calls for a Multilateral Conference on the Eastern Mediterranean and invites the High Representative to engage in talks about its organisation. COUNCIL DECISION 2013/768/CFSP. Le service de presse est le premier point de contact pour toutes les demandes formulées par la presse. Decision-making process. If a vote is taken, neither the European Council President nor the Commission President take part. Authorising Member States to ratify, in the interests of the European Union, the Arms Trade Treaty. of Council decisions relating to the Agency. Press officers speak 'off the record' about the Council's activities. In these cases, the Council legislates on the basis of proposals submitted by the European Commission. Dans les autres cas, lorsque l'explication du vote n'est pas systématiquement rendue publique, elle peut l'être à la demande de l'auteur. Le groupe n'est pas non plus dans l'obligation de présenter un accord, mais les résultats de ses travaux sont présentés au Coreper. The Parliament reviews the proposals and passes decisions together with the Council of Ministers. Council and European Council documents are made available through the public register, in accordance with EU rules on transparency. COUNCIL DECISION 2013/269/CFSP 21. L'examen de ces questions peut toutefois être rouvert, si un ou plusieurs États membres le demandent. The European Council mostly takes its decisions by consensus. En savoir plus sur les activités du Conseil. EU legislation takes the form of: Treaties establishing the European Union and governing the way it works; EU regulations, directives and decisions - with a direct or indirect effect on EU member states. Animation expliquant les modalités du processus de prise de décision au sein du Conseil. La plupart des actes juridiques de l'UE négociés selon cette procédure sont adoptés en première lecture. The presidency of the Council, with the assistance of the General Secretariat, identifies and convenes the appropriate working party to handle a proposal. The Agency’s mission shall be without prejudice to other competences of the Union, in full respect of Article 40 TEU. La présidence du Conseil, avec l'aide du Secrétariat général, détermine quel est le groupe compétent pour traiter une proposition et le convoque. The Council of the EU and the European Council work on a wide range of issues affecting the interests of the EU and its citizens. If a member wants to add an explanatory note to the vote, this note will also be made public, if a legal act is adopted. The European Council will continue to closely monitor developments and will revert accordingly and take decisions as appropriate at the latest at its December meeting.

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