We can always retcon things like that in our personal headcanons, but it doesn’t make intuitive sense. "Daybreak" is the three-part series finale of the reimagined science fiction television series Battlestar Galactica, and are the 74th (labeled "Daybreak, Part 1" on the DVD) and 75th (labeled "Daybreak, Parts 2 & 3" on the DVD) episodes overall. Conclusion: This is the theory I personally lean towards. Both stories showed that what Humans created was so much like humans, that the internal emotional state and cognitive processes of creator and creature were, at bottom, not meaningfully different. I try hard not to remove comments around here, even and especially when they present ideas a disagree with, but the comment was not on topic and was promoted some retrograde and, I would argue, pernicious ideas about women that I would just as soon not make this website any sort of a platform for. Some events in the show do make me wonder if the god of BSG had some malevolent intentions. I’ve just finished watching in binge mode and agree with a lot of what’s been said. In addition the the points that the author made, a primary theme of season 4, and I would argue the central theme of the series, was that history kept repeating itself in that the machines kept rising up and warring with humans. The writers were able to build up something great, but couldn’t figure out the right way to cap it off. Still, even if the ending was rushed, there were a number of different directions they could have gone and not given us this finale that feels tonally and spiritually disconnected from the show that preceded it. The fact we got no explanation at all really really makes me angry to my core. I can’t understand why they suddenly seemed to throw everything they fought so hard for into the sun, collective madness if you ask me. "BSG fans, this will NOT be a remake of the amazing series [Ronald D. Moore] launched because... why mess with perfection? It could explain where Starbuck came from – ie, yes she’s dead in the BSG universe, but not in the universe through the black hole, where she’s found the new earth. In which case, this is another testament to the fact that the ending was far too rushed and didn’t adequately explore everything the show had built up over four seasons. Loved the series as I also loved Babylon 5 – which had a great deal more humour and times when you laughed and cried – and BSG was a mans programme full of guns and war, politics and the enemy. So why is Hera so important? If Athena was able to get pregnant, couldn’t any of the others? Hera was the only child of a human and cylon that was not one of the final five. Why hasn’t anyone asked the most basic question??? They did this because their divine providence works itself out in/through/under human freedom (hence the flashbacks interspersed throughout Daybreak). Finally, as I already wrote, the authors assumed that they were writing for an adult and intelligent audience, people who were able to fill in the blanks. Once the questions arose after the airing of the final episode, the production team had already been dissolved, and, equally important, it was a CGI scene with an underlying musical score. Exactly. For the record, I think the condescending tone of your comments (about myself and science fiction fans in general) is unproductive. Or they could just abandon all the medicine, science, and technology they have ever known and become an agrarian society that doesn’t apparently invent the wheel again for tens of thousands of years. There were two key components which were important for cylons. It may also explain why her mother was so cruel to Kara so as to prepare her to take on the Cylons, essentially singlehandedly, as she knew of her importance. of my house and made me and my Any good? I marathoned BSG, so I needed a bit of a breather anyway, and the finale left something of a sour taste in my mouth. The whole fleet jumps away from their home system and heads out into space to search for the lost 13th Colony: Earth. Even if that could be explained away in some pseudo scientific way because they were close to the singularity, if I remember things correctly…. Thus, the one true God used man’s “creation” to wipe man out as a lesson, leaving only a remnant to survive. Back on the ship, Adama tasks Baltar with building a Cylon detector so they can weed out hidden Cylons. They could have done something along those lines but had it be an alternate universe earth. Everyone else gets mistakes rubbed in their faces but not her blatantly lazy uninterested non management of a glaringly obvious situation. She tells Apollo over the com that she's been to Earth and knows how to get there. What’s funny is that I think I still like the series. The crew and fleet are all knackered. Maybe it’s difficult to satisfactorily end any show that centers around a few big mysteries. I think I’m missing a reference there (like Chief kicked along the early Scottish Celts or something?) Just give her a couple of minutes to say her goodbyes to Lee and us. The more explanations we have to make for the ending, the more ways we have to strain and stretch what we’ve seen to fit it in any sort of coherent frameworks, suggests that it wasn’t fully thought-through, or at the very least, that it does not really make sense. What about the rest of the humans, dilution of the cylon gene. Would have been better the original ending! Hi Lore, I believe you’re thinking of “The Plan.” The problem with that movie is that it came out after the end of BSG, and so it’s all retconning and trying to make things work in hindsight. they still had functional raptors as seen by Admiral Adama flying away with Rosalin. Bummer. In the finale they battled next to a blackhole, which itself bends time and space. Why wouldn’t it apply under similar circumstances on other worlds? Cannot remember the name. I’m a big fan, but I think it’s hard to compare 13 episodes and a movie to the seasons and larger arcs of BSG. It definitely fits with the “this has all happened before, and it will all happen again” thing. There's an intense standoff among the humans and Cylons, with D'Anna demanding to know the whereabouts of the Final Five (she's seen them in her visions) which leads to Tyrol, Tigh, Tory, and Anders revealing themselves as Cylons. children passed through severe I was glad when they killed off Callie – at least it stopped her whining. Count Iblis). It never happened it was just a vision of how things would have unfolded in a perfect world which Cylones wanted to create for the Hybrid Cylone/Human race. And half of what he said was with a sarcastic tone, so he clearly only cared as much as the concepts would help him secure safety (or advantage) for his “people.”. They’re never prosecuted or even pardoned (that I recall); it just ends and it’s never even mentioned again until once briefly during the mutiny. Yea, thanks for a more acceptable ending… i agree, Kara was either Daniel or his daughter in my eyes.. only way to explain the ‘song’, the art, the ‘visions or insights’ and the resurrection… and they didn’t send the ships to the sun either, but set up communities based on agreement of the remaining 40,000 (counting rebel Cylons) … who got on with being people, really looking at how to make their world a better place, evolving not de-evolving, being responsible, loving and taking some good lessons from the rebels who knew that hatred, retaliation were out and love, sharing and moving forward was in. Again, the biggest problem is all these practical loose ends that come up when you try to make the show fit into all of human history. Six’s baby was for showing that the Cylons without Resurrection technology can only survive as a race if they procreate with humans. Then we finally we get the conclusion, all of this has happened before and will happen again. This piece truly did switch the light on for me personally as far as this particular subject matter goes. Any canon was ruined by adding Mk III vipers to the Galactica. “Mitochondreal Eve” was sub-Saharan African. Please fix it! To make this already too long comment shorter; There were many plot holes, but there are also inconsistencies in character (which the proudly wrote this series for). Some thoughts on your thoughts: 1. Thankfully, US shows like True Detective and Fargo and most of the quality cable dramas are leading the way back towards short seasons and not flogging a show into the ground. Blood and Chrome – I thought it was a good start to a series. And there were other human children. By jumping from this location, after destabilising the colonies orbit they jumped backwards in time. May be it became the grand strategy for Cylons to let these Colonist reach earth , with a baby which is 50% human 50% Cyclone. The reality was really that there was no KARA that ever came back from her death. I grew up watching TNG, so I’d definitely recommend it. It’s a shame. This is why he was so eager to call the temporary armistice when Sol offered to give them resurrection again. Food for thought! Sorry about the length! That would have left a new reboot of the series reboot possible… But aargh, that was shot to hell with Thrace’s disappearing act. Fantastic show. If you have any suggestions I would love to hear them and I can try and cut something together, although I don’t know if it’s just unsalvageable. When we see people departing the ship onto Earth, they’re not bringing much with them. All the while, the godlike Cylon Entity observed, and created its own "messengers" to send to both humans and Cylons. This took place all over the world at different points in history. One of the many things I liked about BSG was how it explored relevant issues to our time, but didn’t really take a stance on them. The Entire Battlestar Galactica Timeline Explained. It’s my pleasure! Reflecting on the Series Through the Lens of its Finale. It is up to each person as to how they use any kind of technology. I have to admit, I do think that scenario is a huge cop-out, but then again, I think the ‘it’s all a bit mystical and pre-ordained and up to God’ ending was a huge cop-out too! Secretary of Education Laura Roslin (Mary McDonnell) and Adama's son Lee "Apollo" Adama (Jamie Bamber), another pilot, arrive on the ship for the ceremony. By the time we got to Earth (the nuked one), we KNEW all the religious visions and prophecies were a shell game possibly run by the Cylons themselves. Plot holes and all I still think it’s one of the best shows ever. Admiral Cain – I’m a veteran of the U.S. Army. Really? One thing I thoroughly enjoyed was how nothing ever worked the way it was supposed to work. When the humans land on an algae planet to gather food supplies, Tyrol discovers the Temple of the Five, also known as the Temple of Hopes, which holds the "Eye of Jupiter," which will help them find Earth. Carbon dating is unreliable at best. You know what? So say we all!". I watched Star Trek: TNG and DS9 when I was young, but today I can’t stand them, except, perhaps, the later series of DS9, when they actually started telling an interesting and serialised story. I kept watching for the human relations. BSG’s creator has specifically disclaimed the idea that Daniel was Kara’s father. It’s not like they could have saved anything that needed electricity to run, or their plumbing systems, so why bother? I’d guess they’d keep all of the medicine, and they talked about farming, and the plan was probably keep everything you need for a basic existence without the rest of the technology you know for certain will try to kill you later. And Earth was a new beggining for man. Plus, they totally talked about divine providence directly at the end! Your explanation about Hera’s immunity is an interesting one. Perhaps their colony became know as Atlantis, See now, Neil, *that* would have been far more logical for them to do, both in terms of suspending disbelief and in trying to mesh the show with Earth history. Even if people smuggled a gun here, or a some fertiliser there… it would only last a generation or two before breaking or running out. Hi Butsy, thanks for the comment. They had a plan, humans had religion (prophecies, priests, oracles, etc.) I don’t feel entirely betrayed by Moore or the show, or even let down. Cylones are conducting a massive operation to see what will it take to not make Human/Cylone Hybrids destroy their own planet, They run this experiment from Space, plant the Seeds on planet , then they gradually introduce Cylone Hybrids and see if they can make babies, The STORY they preach to humans follow same path , All human planet, war with Cylones, and then this group leaves planet to “SPREAD” like seeds of flower across universe. Why wouldn’t they? Had Patton Oswalt made the presentation, that might’ve been the filmed version. Great idea. Babylon 5 has been on my long-term watch list for a while now. Maybe at the time the tech argument game up, riots or fights broke out to keep or give up tech…the point is that’s a whole other story right there and better left to the imagination. Rather, things came out as they did through divine will. Frak! Earth is the same earth there is just a lot of time and space jumping so it appears different. I need something else to dive into now Any recommendations? (this cultural flowering) definitely didn’t come in a big burst around the time of MTE, as might be the result of a sudden colonization by advanced alien cousins. – not exactly the population you’d want to effectively colonise a planet. But Galen a) was blatantly ambivalent about Cally and b) had gone through too much to react like that to a knowledge of the crime and b) was NOT that sort of character. If you note she now has a map of earth in her head ? Wait, what? As a result, all the events of BSG have only one meaning — fulfillment of the divine plan. Still unexplainable why she vanishes into thin air , as Cylones are physical beings. With everyone spread out would explain the different religions I guess… Miracles and acts of god/angels explained by tech… who knows?