She sighed, suddenly feeling quite a bit older than her twenty-eight years. The Bridgertons were a large family, loud and boisterous. Rolling green hills looked like rolling green hills looked like rolling green hills, and she could be in Wales for all she knew. “Marina?”. How was it that he’d never noticed this before? After the Rain And what did he know about her? Nothing happened at first, but after the fourth violent thrust, she coughed, and a stream of murky water erupted from her mouth. He’d find them while they were off on their nature walk with Nurse Millsby. Anyone who spent any time with her would have surely thought she’d prefer something darker, more somber. I love her.Hope you like the video! Choose from JQ's Subscribe Options →, Many of my books have a working title which never sees the light of day, but, Eloise's letters (which serve as epigraphs for chapter #2 and on) were written well after I'd finished the book. Forgive me if I am too bold, but I am writing to invite you to visit me here at Romney Hall. Phillip rubbed his eyes. She blinked, her eyes unfocused. He sighed, a wave of guilt washing over him. Created by Chris Van Dusen. Indeed I am a botanist, trained at Cambridge, although I am not currently connected with any university or scientific board. It had been almost four years since Eloise had walked down the aisle of the chapel and pledged her troth to Sir Philip Crane. He had never traveled outside of England. It was probably just dumb luck that her goals and those of her family had never crossed purposes before, at least not over anything important. Still, their nurse was up there with them, and she always managed them better than he did. “It’s not your fault,” Oliver said, his brown eyes capturing his father’s with an intensity that was unsettling. Her mother was a delight, and she’d even stopped nagging Eloise about getting married. Not near the abandoned cottage, nor at Phillip’s field of experimental grains, nor at the large boulder that Phillip had spent so many hours clambering upon when he was a child. Sir Philip is the hero in the 5th book, To Sir Philip with love. 1 He didn’t like fish? Hadn’t Gunning said his visitor was a she? He wasn’t quite frozen; it was more that he was… suspended… as his mind took in the strange sight. And she was happy for Colin, too. I wanted to do something fun, along the lines of the Lady Whistledown entries in my previous books, but the muse didn't strike until. Accidents. But the funny truth was, Eloise didn’t mind her situation. Status “Was that the source of the, ah…”, “No.” The butler cleared his throat. Phillip Crane is grumpy, shy, doesn't want anything to do with society, and most of all looking for a mother for his children. Anthony would have probably demanded that Sir Phillip come to London to meet the entire family en masse, and Eloise couldn’t imagine a single scenario more likely to scare off a prospective suitor. Or at least, she hadn’t, not until recently. At the end of Bridgerton season 1, episode 8, “After the Rain,” Marina leaves London with Phillip Crane after accepting his proposal — but the story isn’t set in stone. No one could even form a mild but lasting attachment, which Eloise thought she might actually be willing to settle for this go around. Maybe they never had. In the balance of life, did a bad mood weigh more than their need for a mother? He had attended Cambridge and studied botany. He wouldn’t risk breaking their hearts again with a woman who would tire of their quiet life in the country. He supposed it could have been worse. Biographical Information I loved the art—the pack of letters bundled by a ribbon is perfect for the book— but the postage stamp was a huge anachronism. Eloise’s fears and worries seemed terribly inconsequential by comparison. Heavens, no, I have not the scientific mind, I’m afraid, although I do have a fair head for sums. She needed to approach this adventure with all the practicality and pragmatism with which she always tried to make her decisions. (And the Bridgertons constituted a mighty force, indeed.) Pour voir toutes les références, déroulez le menu d'en-bas. His children could probably wait, too, but that didn’t mean they should. “No,” he repeated. He liked to read scientific treatises and poetry but not novels and definitely not works of philosophy. No, she reflected with a rather impressive (in her opinion, at least) display of self-honesty, there were two things about her that colored her every action– she liked to act quickly and she was tenacious. Phillip frowned, then allowed himself a small smile as he moved to the back of the greenhouse to gather his supplies. “Surely a sound basis for marriage,” she muttered to herself, trying to ignore the panic in her voice. “Yes,” Phillip ground out, wondering if Gunning was trying to see how red in the face his employer could get without actually collapsing to the floor in an apoplectic fit. But maybe a bright, warm day would be enough to draw her out for a few hours, bring a small smile to her face. He would be happy to see her. Maybe he should know these things. The seeds could wait. Out of earshot, out of mind. After her passing, Sir Phillip offers a hand in marriage to Eloise Bridgerton via correspondence. He could have been landowner and city gentleman, after all. It is my hope that after a suitable period of time, we might decide that we will suit, and you will consent to be my wife. Melancholy terrified him. And so, with weary breath, he put his quill to paper. He wanted an explanation, needed one, for this awful tiredness that seemed to be taking over. So, pregnant Marina Thompson (Ruby Barker) has made the difficult decision to marry her dead lover’s brother Sir Philip Crane (Chris Fulton). It was impossible to see her footprints on the grass. They are setting up a whole plot line which will payoff once we get to that book in the series. And then, finally, she seemed to realize where she was, who he was, and she whispered, “No.”. “I–I’m sorry,” he choked out, once he reached the end of his speech. At this rate, he’d cure gout by the end of the year. Alone in the middle of crowded London, in the middle of a large and loving family. And then he just found himself shooing them off, telling them to go back to their nurse. “Go on, then,” Phillip said, sending Miles off on a task he probably should have done himself. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. But in the end, Marina was saved by her one colorful quirk, and Phillip pumped through the water, down to the bottom where he saw the red of her cloak floating through the water like a languorous kite. But if she heard him, she made no indication, just continued her slow and steady progress into the depths. I am writing to express my condolences on the loss of your wife, my dear cousin Marina. Newton!!! She must have done, if one of them was sending him a letter. She was traveling halfway across England, and no one knew. She only seemed to sink so low late at night; their room was directly above hers, but he’d always assumed they’d been asleep when their mother started to cry. “Curse it,” he muttered. It seemed most of her friends and family had forgotten her since her marriage. He hadn’t seen his children yet today, and he supposed he ought to, but he didn’t want to spoil the day by saying something stern, which he inevitably seemed to do. “What happened?” Mrs. Hurley had gasped when he staggered through the kitchen door. No, she didn’t need someone perfect. Marina must have kicked up some of the sand from the bottom, and he had surely done the same, because the fine silt was swirling around him, the puffy opaque clouds making it difficult to see. You and I can deal later. He couldn’t explain it, but after Marina had died, he hadn’t wanted anyone bustling into his bedroom in the morning, yanking open his curtains and selecting his garments. Another little burst of panicked laughter passed over her lips. That would be even more beneficial than a nature walk. However, when she later learned she was still pregnant, she accepted Phillip's proposal and left in a carriage with him. “Are you calling my ancestral home drafty?”. Her mother had spent so many years urging her to find a husband; as much as Eloise adored her, it would be difficult to eat crow and say that she should have listened. They broke out into the air, and he took great, big gasps to fill his burning lungs. “I’m taking you home,” he bit out, heaving her none-too-gently into his arms. And such a precious memento of dear Marina, as well. Suddenly Sir Phillip’s bold proposal– tucked away at the very bottom of her bundle, at the bottom of the middle drawer, locked away in a newly-purchased safebox, just so that Eloise wouldn’t be tempted to look at it six times a day– Well, it seemed a bit more intriguing. She just needed someone perfect for her. But it was difficult to talk about these feelings with anyone. And what’s more, she’d married Colin. That probably explained his exceptional melancholy. Well, in truth, he had expected it. If he could just get his boots on in under a minute, he could be out of the house before they inflicted too much more damage, and thus he could pretend none of it was happening. “Go on,” he said to Miles. Romney Hall was old and solid and very well-built, and if his ceiling was thumping, then his children had dropped (pushed? He may not have loved her, but he did not want her death. Wouldn’t she appreciate the chance to find a husband? It was common courtesy, or even if it wasn’t (and Phillip was quite certain he didn’t know the full etiquette of one’s wife dying), it still somehow seemed like the right thing to do. She had left home and all that was familiar, after all. He walked through the woods, easily following Marina’s path. And maybe all this was why her correspondence with Sir Phillip had become such a guilty pleasure. And now here she was, rolling toward Gloucestershire, rolling toward destiny, she supposed –or hoped, she wasn’t sure which– with nothing but a few changes of clothing and a pile of letters written to her by a man she’d never met. Eloise remembered that day well. Eloise Bridgerton couldn’t marry a man she had never met! However you may visit Cookie Settings to provide a controlled consent. No luck yet, though. Lately she hadn’t been feeling so sunny. He sighed, slumping in his seat. Now she couldn’t even remember why she’d refused some of them. I’m not ever going away…”. She had been intrigued by Sir Phillip’s reply, especially his use of the Latin, and she had immediately penned her own response. Gunning attempted a smile, but one could see that he was out of practice. I conduct experiments here at Romney Hall, in my own greenhouse. And because she’d never actually met him, she’d been able to create him in her mind, using his letters as the bones and then fleshing him out as she saw fit. The eldest sibling of the Bridgerton family … (Totally recommend the books). “I can’t,” she whispered, with what seemed like her last ounce of energy. Her mother had always insisted that they be punctual –early, even– when a family member was hosting a social event, so they would surely arrive at Daphne’s no later than eight. She had brown hair (chestnut, really) and all of her teeth. There was little light by which to read, even with the full moon shining through the windows of the coach, but that didn’t really matter. The novel opens as Eloise, a 28-year-old "spinster," flees London to visit her secret pen pal, Phillip, a … But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Naghwe • She/Her • 23 • Taurus • INTJ. She shook her head, aware that she sounded silly and spoiled. “It’s perfect,” he murmured. Heavy, too, a clear sign that the sender need not economize to reduce franking costs. “You’re going home,” he stated, trudging up the hill, oblivious to the chill wind turning his sodden clothes to ice. With Phoebe Dynevor, Regé-Jean Page, Nicola Coughlan, Jonathan Bailey. He doesn't care about love, doesn't desire someone to have more kids with, just wants someone who will take care of his two children who are hellions as … Phillip felt his breath catch in his throat. He didn’t care if she had money. He supposed he couldn’t really blame them for staying away; the last time one of them had come to visit, Oliver and Amanda had smeared strawberry jam on the chairs. There was no way he could ignore that bellow unless he was willing to suffer the torture of his servants hovering over him due to their worries over his hearing loss. Marina Thompson (fiancée) Put that way, she thought with no small bit of sarcasm, she seemed a fine catch indeed. If you accept my invitation, I will make immediate plans to bring my widowed aunt to Romney Hall. The worst part was definitely his children. He squeezed his eyes shut, not certain whether the motion was meant to urge the memory or dispel it. “A letter, sir,” Miles said, walking forward to hand him an envelope. Maybe he should stop thinking quite so much and simply try his best and be happy with that. But that didn’t mean that their marriage hadn’t left a hollow spot in her life. And Phillip knew that this lack was not made up for by him. Bridgerton is an American streaming television period drama series created by Chris Van Dusen and produced by Shonda Rhimes.It is based on Julia Quinn's novels set in the competitive world of Regency era London's ton during the season, when debutantes are presented at court.Bridgerton is Shonda Rhimes's first scripted Netflix series.. Bridgerton premiered on Netflix on December 25, 2020. “Thank God.” He didn’t love her, had never really loved her, but she was his wife, and she was the mother of his children, and she was, deep down, beneath her unshakable cloak of sorrow and despair, a good and fine person. They said little, which was unlike them. She frowned, looking back at the paper in her lap. But they didn’t look surprised, which Phillip found disturbing. Maybe… Maybe… He closed his eyes and sighed. They tended to think highly of sarcasm. He’d gone outside– he’d had to. As for Colin– Well, that was a another story entirely, quite worthy of its own paragraph. Phillip frowned. They looked so small, sitting there on a bed that was clearly too high for them. She tried to recall what she had included in her many letters–. Anthony Bridgerton. Lately she’d been starting to think that maybe those crotchety old matrons were right, and she wasn’t going to find herself a husband. God certainly had a sick sense of humor. You didn’t push her.”. By nightfall, it became apparent that fever might succeed where the lake had failed. “From London.”. It was thoughtful of you to take the time to write to a gentleman you have never met. 2: Books Four-Six, Stay in Touch! It wasn’t that she hadn’t wanted Penelope to find a husband; it was just that it had never seemed even the least bit likely. Nor even a whiff of interest. I really like that they pulled that story line early in the series, I think it will make things more impactful when we get there. Now the poor man would be forced to respond again. Yes, excellent idea. But he knew from experience that he ought not make assumptions about Marina’s state of mind. Not even a little bit. Did he think she was mad? He’d studied botany at Cambridge, taken a first even, and in truth, he’d probably have taken up an academic life if his older brother had not died at Waterloo, thrusting the second-born Phillip into the role of landowner and country gentleman. Her four brothers were all big, strong men, with broad shoulders and large hands that would surely mangle the poor thing in a heartbeat. Eloise fought a bubble of nervous laughter. He supposed he must have alluded to this in one of his many letters to the mysterious Eloise Bridgerton, because he had sent off his proposal of not-quite-marriage-but-maybe-something-leading-up-to-it over a month ago, and the silence on her part had been deafening, especially since she usually responded to his letters with charming alacrity. “I hope she’s happy,” Oliver finally said, his voice more resolute than his expression. It was what she’d wanted, but that was little comfort as Phillip faced his children, twins, just turned seven years old, and tried to explain that their mother was gone. Heaven knew the children could use that. She told herself that this did not mean she had to marry Sir Phillip; she was merely investigating what seemed like it might be an excellent possibility. He muttered several annoyed phrases as he thrust his legs into his rough, woolen trousers. He turned her over quickly. He was thirty years of age, two years her elder. It was empty again. hurled?) He reached for his boots. Or maybe they were too big for all that. Phillip turned around and headed out toward the copse, where he’d seen Marina disappear just a few moments earlier. “I don’t,” Phillip said, striding along with the confidence of a natural athlete. They were quite possibly her two most favorite people in the entire world, and she was thrilled that they had found happiness. “She gets to watch you all the time now from heaven, so she must be happy.”, The twins seemed to consider that for quite some time. Phillip Crane is one of my favorite love interests in the Bridgerton series. But it did. He sat in their nursery, his large frame too big for any of their tot-sized chairs. I take Tea with Violet Bridgerton, and Other Mugs, Ebook Bridgerton Collection Vol. It is naught but the simple red campion (silene dioica), but it brightens the fields here in Gloucestershire, and indeed seems to have arrived early this year. He had been married to her fourth cousin Marina for eight years, which meant that he’d been twenty-one at his wedding. Phillip didn’t think even the sun had the ability to do that. Besides, Eloise didn’t think it fair to bother her with her silly woes. And Francesca seemed half a world away, off in Scotland. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. After some reluctance, Marina accepted. Or at least pretend so well that they never knew the difference. He tried, but then he felt too awkward, too big, too strong if such a thing were possible. It is my hope that we might decide that we will suit, and you will consent to be my wife. Maybe a marriage based on mutual respect and companionship was better than none at all. And she was alone. What more could she want? A single sheet of paper slipped out. “Are you going to go away?” Amanda asked, raising her head. “You’re not certain?” Phillip asked disbelievingly. They said she already was a spinster, which was true. He’d even dismissed Miles Carter, who had tried so hard to be a friend after Marina’s passing. We have been corresponding now for quite some time, and although we have never formally met, I feel as if I know you. Or even as woozy as he wanted to be. Age: 30. “Do I pay you for such impertinence?”. He was rather disappointed that Miss Bridgerton had obviously decided he was some sort of deranged lunatic to be avoided at all costs. In his opinion, necessity had never been the mother of invention. After his brother's death, Phillip offered his hand in marriage in replacement for his brother. In all her years in society –eleven in all– Penelope had not received one proposal of marriage. They’ve been cooped up far too long.”, Phillip chuckled. She enjoyed writing notes, especially to people she hadn’t seen in years (she’d always liked to imagine their surprise when they opened her envelope) and so she pulled out her pen and paper for most any occasion–births, deaths, any sort of achievement that deserved congratulations or condolences. “Be sure to tell Nurse Millsby to take the children outside today. It was all about accidents. The beautiful woman on his doorstep was anything but quiet, and when she stopped talking long enough to close her mouth, all he wanted to do was kiss her… and more. “The heat is rather welcome.”, Phillip arched a brow as he inclined his head toward Romney Hall. something very large indeed. Phillip Crane is Sir George Crane's brother, who traveled to England to inform Marina Thompson of his brother's death and to offer his hand in marriage in replace of his brother. The mysterious Eloise Bridgerton wasn’t really so mysterious. Maybe she had been too picky, too determined to follow the example of her older brothers and sister, all of whom had found a deep and passionate love with their spouses (even if it hadn’t necessarily been there at the outset). She refolded Sir Phillip’s letter and fitted it back into the ribbon-tied bundle she kept in her valise, then tapped her fingers against her thighs in a nervous gesture. A movement across the field caught his eye. More than anything. He tried to tell himself that he was doing his best, that he was succeeding in what was his only goal when it came to parenthood– that he not behave in the manner of his own father. Only If she told him, then she was committed to the plan. That one sounded even worse. In a way, Eloise had counted on her to remain where she was, what she was–first and foremost, Eloise’s friend. Sir Phillip Crane knew that Eloise Bridgerton was a spinster, and so he’d proposed, figuring that she’d be homely and unassuming, and more than a little desperate for an offer of marriage. That was what she knew about him? Did her melancholy amount to more than their two children? He supposed he shouldn’t be upset, or even surprised. Those two would most probably be her mother and Hyacinth. Maybe they didn’t fall out of bed any longer. Phillip opened his mouth to point out that they did have callers; there was one downstairs that very moment, but really, what was the point? Almost any wife would do. Sir Phillip Crane knew that Eloise Bridgerton was a spinster, and so he’d proposed, figuring that she’d be homely and unassuming, and more than a little desperate for an offer of marriage. Miles was quite good. She was growing fanciful. No reason, really, except that they weren’t…. “Or it would be, if it weren’t so bloody cold.”, Miles Carter, his secretary, chuckled. Bridgerton Footman 2 episodes, 2020 Simone Ashley ... Kate Sharma 2 episodes, 2021 Frank Blake ... Sir Phillip Crane 1 episode, 2020 Oscar Coleman ... 4-Year Old Simon 1 … In the books, Sir Phillip Crane is the love interest of Eloise Bridgerton. There was still time to turn around. Willow bark contains the same active ingredient as aspirin and is indeed quite useful in reducing a fever. He mopped her brow when she began to perspire, tried to pour lukewarm broth down her throat when she was calm. Eloise: “Not really sure I want kids.” Phillip Crane: *socially awkward, single dad, struggling to keep it together, good heart although bad with words, clearly sexually repressed but has nice arms from pulling out weeds all day, genuinely believes plants are the only friends he needs* Eloise: She glanced out the window, as if that might possibly give her an indication as to where they were on the road from London to Tetbury. Eloise was a worthy opponent, and she might prevail in the end, but it would be a long and painful battle. One didn’t reach the age of eight and twenty without hearing that whispered behind one’s back. She’s here to see you, after all.”, “So are all of our callers, and that has never stopped you from ascertaining their identities before.”. As she stepped into the shallows, he picked up speed, still too far to do anything but call out her name. He dove down, his eyes scanning the murky water. Benedict was too much of a dreamer, and besides, he almost never came down to London anymore, preferring the quiet of the country. He probably ought to take care of his correspondence now, but he had some seeds he needed to sort through, and truly, there was no reason he couldn’t conduct his business with Miles in an hour or so. She still held a prominent place in society; the Bridgertons were universally adored and respected (and occasionally feared), and Eloise’s sunny and irrepressible personality was such that everyone sought out her company, spinsterish age or no. Other Bridgerton season 2 cast members may include: Golda Rosheuvel as Queen Charlotte His letters were bundled and tied with a purple ribbon, hidden at the bottom of her middle desk drawer, tucked underneath the piles of stationery she used for her many letters. He started walking toward her, his feet somehow recognizing what his mind refused to accept. He’d hired him six months earlier to help with the mountains of paperwork and details that seemed to accumulate from the running of his small property. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Thank you for your kind note at the loss of my wife. The lake hasn’t frozen this year. Eloise closed her eyes, picturing the delicate pink petals. Finally, they reached the water’s edge, and he dragged her upon the narrow strip of dirt and pebbles that separated the water from the grass. He bent over his workbench, examining his latest project– a strain of peas that he was trying to breed to grow fatter and plumper in the pod. Nurse Millsby wasn’t likely to locate any sort of flower in this weather, but still, it didn’t excuse the fact that he ought to take the children on their nature walk. Anthony, the eldest, would probably have taken it upon himself to personally select a suitable mate and then browbeat the poor man into submission. And Penelope had not been joking. Forgive me if I am too bold, but I am writing to invite you to visit me. She’d end up a spinster– no, they didn’t say that anymore. Phillip’s lips parted as he stared down at her form, moving slowly toward the water’s edge. He bent over his seed collection, smoothing them out so that he could examine them all. But after exchanging letters with the widowed Sir Philip Crane for a year, he proposes marriage. She supposed she should have talked to Daphne, but every time she went to see her, her elder sister was so bloody happy, so blissfully in love with her husband and her life as mother to her brood of four. With resolute motions, he pushed himself away from his workbench. At least six. They looked so small in his grasp, so fragile. And he hated when the children saw her in one of her moods. Bridgerton Sir Phillip Crane (2020) Actor The Witcher Rience (2021) “We used to have callers, do you recall?”. He donned the rest of his ensemble with impressive speed and dashed out into the hall, making quick strides toward the stairs. After hearing that his brother, George, had gotten Marina Thompson pregnant and then left for battle, where he died, Phillip came to the Featherington house, where he knew he could find Marina, and told her about his brother's death. “But just because I don’t mind an overcast sky doesn’t mean I don’t prefer the sun.” He paused, thought for a moment. “I’m not going away. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. He watched as she disappeared into the wooded copse, then got back to work. Her companion in spinsterhood. “Maybe she won’t cry anymore.”. Then he could point out some sort of plant and tell them about it, and everything would remain perfectly simple and benign. Marina had been melancholy. They visited their mother in her room almost every evening, but it wasn’t enough. Played by: Jonathan Bailey. If the moon had suddenly dropped from the sky and landed in her back garden, Eloise could not have been more surprised. He didn’t know what to do, hadn’t thought he’d ever have to save someone from drowning, so he just did what seemed most sensible and heaved her over his lap, face down, whacking her on the back. He loved them so much, and he failed them in so many ways. Perhaps this is a given considering we’re due to meet Kate, but I would personally die if we … This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. She's definitely my favorite bridgerton. He frowned. She did not fight him as he pulled her to the surface; indeed, she had already lost consciousness and was nothing more than a dead weight in his arms. “Marina!”. Phillip had carried Marina home as quickly as he was able, and with the aid of Mrs. Hurley, his housekeeper, they had stripped her of her icy garments and tried to warm her beneath the goosedown quilt that had been the centerpiece of her trousseau eight years earlier. Siblings Listen closely to some of the music in the series and you're likely to hear something … He winced. In 2019 Javaria Farooqui (of COMSATS University of Information Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan) and Rabia Ashraf (of Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Pakistan) published a 10-page pager entitled.